"You're not going anywhere until you tell me what happened,"

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"You're not going anywhere until you tell me what happened," Camila says.

"You realize you have to go on stage in like 45 minutes, right?" I ask.

"That's plenty of time! And, if it isn't, I'll just ask you on the bus. We can do this all day, and right now the other girls aren't involved, but if you don't tell me now they'll be asking you too."

I sigh, "Okay, fine. I'll tell you."

"See, it's not that bad. I'm just trying to help you." Camila says, smiling, "Okay, tell me."

"It's really not anything bad. I-I just miss my family."

"Oh..." she suddenly seems flustered.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Huh? Nothing. Sky, you realize that we're going to treat you like our little sister, right? We've loved you so much since the day we met you. I don't know why I have to keep saying this."

"But you don't actually love me. You barely even like me."

"Why do you think that? I plan on treating you exactly how I treat my younger sister. Well, except for the punishing part, obviously."

"I don't know. I just miss them, but thank you for saying that."

"Of course! I'm always going to be here for you." she says, tapping my nose and smiling, "Alright, well do you want to go see the opening singers now?"

"Yeah!" I exclaim.

They have two openers. Marcus, who's on right now, and Emma. Marcus is a 16-year-old rapper, who is new to the industry and extremely talented. Emma's a 17-year-old songwriter. She's amazing, but not really my favorite.

While Marcus is singing his last song someone says, "Hey Camila!"

We turn around to find Emma standing there, smiling widely.

Camila says, enthusiastically, "Oh, hey! You ready to go on?"

"Yeah, the first concert of the tour! I'm so excited! Also, what's your name?" Emma asks, looking at me.

"Oh, this is Skylar. She's my sister." Camila says.

"Wait, really? I thought you were Cuban though." Emma asks, clearly confused with Camila's statement.

"Oh I am. I meant cousin sister, sorry. Sky's half Cuban and half American, right Sky?"

"Uh, yeah," I respond, a little lost with what's going on right now.

Suddenly, the audience began to clap and cheer. "Oh, looks like I gotta go. I'll talk to you guys later! It was nice meeting you Skylar! Wish me luck!" Emma says, before running off.

Camilla says, "Hey, let's get out of here before Marcus comes out and asks about you."

We run back to the dressing room. Dinah and Normani are getting their makeup done and Ally and Lauren are on their phone. When I sit down, Lauren asks, "So, did you like them?"

"Did she like who?" Ally asks.

"Skylar and I went to see Marcus's and Emma's performances," Camila says.

"Wait, but didn't Emma just go to perform? Why didn't you wait to see her?" Lauren asks.

"Well, we didn't want Marcus to ask about Sky like Emma did. It was pretty awkward."

"What did you tell her?" Ally asks.

"I told her that Sky's my cousin," Camila replies.

"Okay, well we should probably tell Normani and Dinah about what to say if someone asks about Sky."

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