Camila's Mom

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"Who is she?" Camila's mom asks 

"umm, who?" Camila asks trying to play off the encounter 

Her mom points to me. 

"Oh her umm she's uhh."

"Might as well come clean now," Lauren whispers to Camila 

The other three girls are up there now with Camila and Lauren. Ally whispers to Camila "Yeah, we can't really get out of it now."

"What are you all whispering about?" Camila's mom asks calmly "Who is she?"

"Okay, Mama, can you come in and sit down?" Camila asks 

Her mom nods and sits down on the couch. Dinah brings me over to the table to put distance between me and Camila's mom, but not enough so her mom can't see me.

"Okay Mama, this is going to be a long story. We took Sky from her family."

"With her parent's permission." Camila's mom adds 

After a second, Camila slowly shakes her head no.

"What?" Camila's mom asks a bit shocked "What are you talking about Camila?"

"Okay, let's tell her exactly what happened." Lauren chimes in "So, Sky was spreading a lot of hate that was directed towards us around the internet. It got to the point where either people believed it and spread more and more. We couldn't handle it."

"So, you kidnap her?" Camila's mom asks with disbelief 

"No, we were only going to take her for a week by telling her parents she won a contest to go on tour with us for a week."

"When we called her house her mom picked up. We told her the story and she said that if we were going to take her, then we had to keep her." Camila says 

"They didn't want Sky to be living with them anymore. They didn't even want to see her anymore. They said if we didn't take her they would kick her out or worse." Dinah says 

"Which is why we took her. We saved her from a family that doesn't care about her. So, we're raising her to be a better person and she's in a safe and loving environment. It all worked out." Lauren says 

"No, it doesn't all work out. Do you understand the seriousness of what you five did? Her parents may have agreed with it, but how is she going to go to school or get a job? She can't just be living with you guys for the rest of her life. I'm so disappointed in all of you. You have to give her back to her parents." Camila's mom says

"No, Mama," Camila says 


"We're not giving her back to a family like that. We're going to put her through online school. You raised me to help people when they need it, right?"

Camila's mom nods. 

"Well, Skylar needs help and I'm going to be there for her. Mama, I listen to you for everything, but this time I can't. I can't put her into a dangerous situation like that when I know I can help her. We all love her too much to let her go back there. 


"Sorry." Camila walks up to me and hugs me protectively. "I'm not letting her go anywhere."

"We can't let her go back there. None of us will let that happen." Normani says 

"Yeah, I'm sorry Mrs. Cabello, but we love her way too much," Lauren says

"She's perfectly happy living with us. We might punish her, but that's because we have to. No matter what, we will always protect her and love her." Ally says 

"Really? She's completely happy living with the five of you? She doesn't miss her family or friends? Let her answer that question." Mrs. Cabello says 

Everyone's gaze turns toward me. "I mean yeah, I do miss my family and friends, but I like it better here with them. They actually take care of me and love me. I feel safe when I'm with them. 

All the girls smile at me before turning back to Mrs. Cabello. 

Dinah says "You heard what she said. She likes it better with us. We're the people who actually love her. So, do you still want to send her back to a family that hates and abuses her?"

"They abuse her?" Mrs. Cabello asks 

"Yeah, they hit her and yell at her every day. They wanted to throw her out onto the streets!" Normani says 

"Hum... I don't know. I don't think- I don't want you guys to have to carry such a big responsibility right now." 

"We took up this responsibility on our own. We're more than happy to keep caring for her. She's been with us for a month or two by now." Lauren says 

"You don't throw out someone you love. No one can do that. She's like our little sister. She could never become a burden to us." Dinah says 

"Mama, do you understand now? We're not abandoning Sky. No matter what. Do you still want us to give her back?"

She sighs and says "No, it's fine. Keep her with you. If her parents hurt her it's probably best to keep her safe. Besides, it's not like I can change your minds."

"Thank you so much, Mama!" Camila says running to hug her mom 

"See, I told you she would understand," Lauren says to Camila 

They all hug her and I just stand there. Camila's mom says "Kkay, well I still haven't gotten a proper introduction."

"Right, hum. Sky, this is Sinu Cabello, my mom. Mama, this is Skylar or Sky." Camila says 

"Hi, Skylar." Says Mrs. Cabello 

"Hi, Mrs. Cabello." She spreads her arms out indicating she wants a hug, so I go up to her and hug her. 

She smiles and says "Okay guys, I should probably get going. I was going to ask you if you're spending the night here, Camila."

"Hum, no. I can't, there's no room." Camila says 

"You can if you want." Lauren says 

"Yeah, we're fine with that." Ally says 

"No, really, it's fine. Sky should spend some more time with you guys." Camila says "I should probably get going though. It's already 10. We have a concert tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, we'll see you tomorrow," Lauren says 

I go up to Camila and hug her. After her and her mom leave, Mani says "I should probably go back to my room too. Dinah, you coming?"

"Huh? Oh yeah. Bye guys. Bye Sky." Dinah says, but before she leaves, I hug her and Mani. 

"Okay, let me just go brush my teeth," I say

"Okay" Ally and Lauren both reply

Lauren is in bed and when I come out. Ally says "Hey, Sky, can you turn off the lights?"

"Yeah," I reply

I turn it off and get under the blankets next Lauren. She hugs me when I get in and I hug her back. She gives me a kiss on my forehead and whispers "Wow Sky, we almost lost you today. I don't know what we would've done without you. I love you so much."

"I love you too," I whisper softly

A/N: Hey guys! If you liked this chapter please consider leaving a vote! 

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