Ice Cream

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"You sure, Mila?" asks Ally

"Yeah, you guys go!" She replies, waving them off

The other girls look at each other, shrug, and began to walk off. Camila says "Come on Monkey, let's go."

"I don't want to stay in another interview. It's boring." I whine

"I know, but you have to."

I pout.

"How about I give you a piggyback ride to the van? And, to sweeten the deal, if you're good, we'll stop to get ice cream at the end of the day. Sound good?" She asks giving me a thumbs up

I smile and nod excitingly.

She smiles back at me. "Alright, hop on." She turns around and I jump on her back.

She carries me back to the van and we get in. I sit in the back with Camila and Dinah, but I don't say anything. I just look out the window. Then Camila says "Sky, if you're really bored, I'll let you borrow my phone again."

"No, it's fine," I reply

"Are you sure?"


"Well, you can't change your mind once we get there," Lauren says turning around

"I won't. I'm tired, I think I'm just going to sleep."

I lay my head against the window. Camila puts her hand on my head and has me lay my head on her shoulder instead. She says softly "Okay if you say so. Also, guys, I promised Sky ice cream if she's good for the rest of the day!"

"Ooo, Sky you better be good. I want to get some ice cream too!" Dinah says

I smile, "I will be. Don't worry." and just like that, I fall asleep

When I wake up, I find myself on a couch. I look around for a familiar face and I see the girls. They look like they're wrapping up their interview. 

After a few minutes, Ally and Camila come over to me. 

I start to stretch and Camila asks "How was your third nap?"

"Amazing," I say smiling

"Alright, well we have two more interviews, but we're going to grab lunch first. What do you want?" Ally asks

"I don't care," I reply

"Okay, then I guess we'll just get you a hamburger."

We order food and the rest of the day went just like the beginning.


That last interview is an "Eat, Tweet, Ask" interview. It's another live interview. Camila gave me my phone and had me sit in the front row. Towards the middle of the interview, Camila says "Hey, you!"

She's pointing her finger right at me.

I look up confused and I point to myself. "Me?"

"Yeah, you! What are you doing?"

"I'm...umm... on my phone?"

"Wow, that's rude," Dinah says acting offended

"Hey, can I see your phone for a second?" Lauren says

She grabs my phone from me and goes through my text messages. She starts to make up text messages that someone would send to their boyfriend. I was so embarrassed.

After another minute, Lauren finally stops. Camila pulls me towards her and says "Just kidding guys. This is Skylar, my cousin. She doesn't have a boyfriend, and she better never get one. So, Sky do you have a boyfriend?" She points the microphone towards me

"Umm, no," I reply

"You're only going to get one when you're 30, right?"

I look at her for a while thinking about what to say, she says "Sky?"

"Umm, yeah sure," I reply

"I don't know Camila. Sounds pretty fake to me." Ally says

"Sky, are you lying?" Camila asks

"No. I'll only get one when I'm 30. I promise." I say

"Yeah, that's what they all say." Normani says, sighing "Only time will tell."

Everyone in the room is laughing while I'm blushing. After they were done with embarrassing me, Ally tells me to sit down.

The interview lasts another hour. The fans ask a bunch of questions, so does the interviewer. They sing a few of their songs and the interview finally ends, but they still have a 45-minute meet and greet.

Once the meet and greet ends, Camila and Dinah come up to me enthusiastically. "You ready to go get your ice cream?!" Camila asks

"Yes!!" I respond excitedly

"Alright, there's a Dairy Queen right next to us that's still open," Camila says looking at her phone

"What are we waiting for?" Dinah asks

"TO DAIRY QUEEN!" Camila shouts pointing to the door

Camila grabs my hand, and the three of us run to the Dairy Queen that was right next to the building we were just in. We have to hurry because everyone's getting ready to leave.

We stand at the window looking at all the different flavors.

"Alright Monkey, whatchu want?" asks Camila

"Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough!" I reply

"Come on, Sky. Cookie Dough? You come to Dairy Queen and you're just going to get cookie dough?" Dinah asks disapprovingly

"Hey, if it tastes good..." I shrug "What're you going to get?"

"Brownie Batter."

"Eh, sounds too chocolaty for me."

"Hey! Don't knock it before you try it. You're going to try some of mine. Trust me, you'll love it."

I laugh "Camila, what are you going to get?"

"Honestly, I think I'm going to get Cookie Dough too," Camila responds

"Y'all basic." Says Dinah rolling her eyes

"We're not basic. We just know what we like." Camila responds

"Yeah, y'all like basic stuff."

Camila mocks Dinah and Dinah does the same to Camila. We all laugh. 

After a few minutes, the waiters give us our ice creams at the window. I try mine and it tastes amazing. Like wow. Just wow.

Camila sees my reactions, smiles, and exclaims "Yayyy, Monkey likes it!!"

Dinah and I laugh. Dinah says to me "Alright, open wide."

She takes a spoonful of her ice cream and waits for me to open my mouth. I sigh and roll my eyes as I open my mouth. When I taste the ice cream my eyes go wide. Dinah starts laughing "See I told you!"

"Wow, Sky, you like what Dinah likes?" Camila asks in mock disgust.

"No, wait. It's actually good. You need to try it." I reply

She looks at Dinah's ice cream, then Dinah (who's giving her a cheeky smile), and then back at the ice cream. She sighs and says "Alright."

She takes a spoonful of Dinah's ice cream and tries it. Her eyes go wider than mine did. "Wow."

"See I told you two! Being basic makes you miss out on the good parts of life!" Dinah exclaims

"Okay, calm down. You were right one time. Don't let it get to your head." Camila says

Dinah sticks her tongue out at Camila. Camila and I start laughing, hard. we all walk back to the building, eating and laughing.

The bus was waiting for us when we got back and we left for Arizona.

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