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The girls have a few interviews today. Camila wraps her arm around me as we walk to the room where their first interview is. As we walk, I ask Camila "How many interviews are there today?"

"It's going to be the whole day," she responds

"What type of interviews are you doing?"

"Today, it's just radio and recorded interviews. Oh and a live interview! So, it should be fun."

"What's a live interview?"

"You're kidding right?"

I look at her even more confused.

She says "Oh, wow. Okay, well a live interview is when we do an interview with an interviewer, but there's also an actual audience and people from home can watch it too."

"Oh, so you'll actually be able to interact with your fans?"

"Yeah, that's what we're all looking forward to."

Man, they're so sweet. How was I ever able to hate them? And to think that if I never hated on them this would have never happened to me and I could've still been with my family.

"Hey, Monkey, whatcha thinking about?" Camila asks, nudging me and raising her eyebrows.

"Huh? Nothing!"

Dinah catches up with us and asks "Hey, did you tell her about the interviews?"

"Yeah, I did. You know what we should do at the live interview?"

"What?" Dinah asks

"Embarrass Sky!"

"What? No! Don't do that!" I reply

"I don't think we can. Isn't it going to be broadcasted?" Dinah asks

"Eh, they said it might not." Camila replies "Either way, we're just introducing her as my cousins, so it should be fine. Also, she can't talk to anyone other than us, so there's nothing to really worry about."

"Wow, you have this all planned out huh? Well, since you really want to, I'm down." Dinah says

I groan "Why do you guys hate me so much."

"We don't hate you. We just enjoy making fun of you." Camila says smiling "There's a big difference."

"Yeah, okay," I mumble

We finally get to the radio room. I go to sit down in the back with the people who put them on air.

The interview was good. Well, at least the parts that I saw were. I was so exhausted that I ended up sleeping through most of it.

Ally comes in to wake me up. I yawn, "What time is it?"

"8 AM. Hurry up, we're going to Starbucks to get some coffee." Ally says

I stretch before I get up and follow her out into the van.

"What took you so long?" Camila asks Ally

"I was trying to wake up Sky."

"Wait, why were you sleeping?" Lauren asks me, confused

"Well, I slept at 12 and woke up at 7," I reply

"Seriously? I had to go to sleep at 2 and wake up at 5. We all had to. The only reason you didn't was because we wanted you to get the right amount of sleep." Lauren replies

"Yeah, I don't get how you're still tired," Normani says

"Okay, who cares? We'll buy you something to drink, Monkey." Camila says smiling

"Monkey?" Lauren, Ally, and Dinah ask turning around to make a face at Camila

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