Ugh, Not Again

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The next morning, Camila comes into my room and wakes me up.

I groan "Ugh Camila, what time is it?"

"It's 5:30, get up and get ready Monkey." She replies softly

"Camila, I only went to bed at 3 yesterday. Can't I sleep in a little while longer?"

"No Monkey, you can't. Now, get up."

I sigh before I roll out of bed. I head to the bathroom to get ready for the day. When I come out, Camila calls me into Dinah's room.

"What is it?" I ask from the door frame.

She motions me to sit next to her. Once I'm seated, she says "So Sky, you know that Taylor's leaving today right?"

"Yeah..." I nod a bit confused to where this conversation is about to go

"Okay, so I know that you're going to want to go to the airport but-"

I cut Camila off and get up off the bed "Camila, no! Are you serious?!" I exclaim

"Okay, first of all, keep your voice down," Camila responds giving me a stern look. "And, yes, I'm serious. The girls and I have to head down to the studio, so our bodyguard is going to take Taylor to the airport."

"Can't I just go with her?"

"No, Sky, you can't."

"Why?!" I whine

"Because none of us will be there."

"So?! I will probably never get to see her again!" I yell annoyed

"What did I say about keeping your voice down?!" Camila says raising her voice at me as she gets up

"Shut up! You're literally yelling too!"

Camila slaps my face and says "Don't say shut up to me again and don't ever raise your voice at me. Got it?!"

I nod slowly as I try to hold back my tears.

"Now, you're going to come with us to the studio, so you're going to say goodbye to Taylor at the house. Is that clear?!"

"Y-yes." I softly say

"Good, now wipe away your tears and go wake Taylor up."

I do as she says and go to wake Taylor up.

Taylor leaves at noon. I hug her tight for a few minutes. We're both crying, hard. I don't want her to leave me. God, I wish I could go with her. After a few minutes, Ally says "Girls, I think it's time to go. Taylor, you're going to miss your flight."

Taylor nods and let's go of me. "Keep in touch, okay?"

I smile and nod as I watch her walk out of the house.

Once Taylor leaves Camila says "Alright Sky, we're leaving in 10 minutes."

"I don't care," I mumble about to walk upstairs

Camila grabs my arm and pulls me back before I can go anywhere. She says "What did you say?"

"I said I don't care! I don't care about any of this! I just wanted to spend a little more time with my best friend and you didn't let me!" I yell furious

Camila slaps my face twice and says "What did I say about raising your voice at me?"

I push her away and run up the stairs. Camila tries to follow, but the girls stop her. I lay on my bed and cry for a bit.

I know I'm being a brat. I know I should be grateful that they at least brought Taylor over. I'm just sad. Who knows when I'll see her again? I just wanted a little more time.

Kidnapped by Fifth HarmonyWhere stories live. Discover now