Flying back to their home

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A few weeks later, the American Tour wrapped up in Wyoming. It was a huge success. Almost every show was sold out. Camila and Lauren both live in Miami, Florida. Normani lives in Dallas, Texas. Ally lives in Houston, Texas. Dinah lives in Los Angles, California. 

Camila had me pack my things and we left to the airport to go back to her home. Camila, Lauren, and I say goodbye to the other three girls and we go to our gate. I sit down on one of the chairs and Lauren asks "Hey Monkey, what do you want from McDonald's?"

I look up and shrug, "I don't care."

"Alright, I'll be back," Lauren says walking off and leaving me with Camila 

Camila sits down next to me and wraps her arm around me to bring me closer to her. I put my head on her shoulder and she says enthusiastically "So, you excited to meet my family?!"

I sigh "Yeah,"

"What's wrong?" She pouts as she looks at me 


"Just tell me Monkey." 

"You're so lucky. You get to go to a family that cares about you. I have to travel everywhere with you guys, but I can't go back to a family like you guys do."

She pouts at me before leaning forward to touch her head with the side of my head "Sky, you have more family members then any of us do now."

"What?" I ask confused 

"We told our parents."

I look up at her shocked. She smiles down at me and says "They did freak out like my Ma did, but now they're all excited to meet you. Our parents are your parents and our siblings are your siblings now. 

"Wait, you really told everyone?" I ask 

She nods 

"Well, it's still not the same," I say quietly looking down

"Well, I guess we'll just have to find out." She says leaning her head back against mine

Lauren comes back with our food. We all got a club with small coke and french fries. It was soo good. After 30 minutes they finally call us to board. 

We're in the coach section. Lauren puts up our carry one while I sit down. Camila sits in the window seat, I sit in the middle, and Lauren sits in the seat closest to the aisle. 

"Hey, didn't you say you get airsick?" Camila asks 

I nod a bit nervous 

She holds my hand and squeezes it to give me comfort. "How about you try and get some sleep then?" she says 

I nod as I rest my head against Camila's shoulder and fall asleep. I sleep through the whole flight. 

When we're about to land, Camila wakes me up. When we land, we grab our carry on and head out to the baggage claim. Once we get all our suitcases together, we go out to meet up with their families. 

Lauren goes her separate way, but before she does she gives me a hug and says "Love you Monkey. I'll see you soon." She ruffles my hair and then leaves. 

We go out and meet Camila's family. When her dad, mom, and sister see her they're overwhelmed with joy. The kind of joy that I wish my parents had when they saw me. 

They hug Camila tight and then her dad and sister turn to me. 

Camila says "Oh, this is Sklyar or Sky. Sky, meet my dad, Alejandro Cabello, and my little sister, Sofia."

"Hi!" Sofia says 

"Hi!" I put my hand out, but instead of taking it, she giggles and wraps me in a hug. 

"How old are you?" asks Sofia after she lets me go 

"I'm 13," I reply

"Oh, I'm 9!"

"Hi, Skylar! We've heard so much about you from Camila!" Mr. Cabello says shaking his head

"Oh...what did she says? I mean you know Camila, always joking around. I swear, I'm not a bad kid." I reply 

"I don't know what Sky's talking about. She's a really bad kid. She can be so disobedient." Says Camila shaking her head 

"Okay Camila, you're not helping! I'm trying to make a good impression!" 

They start to laugh "Don't worry! We already like you! Okay, we should probably get home. Your mom made some amazing tortillas just for you and Skylar." He says as he grabs two suitcases 

"Hmmm, really mama?!" Camila says excitedly as she holds onto Mrs. Cabello's arm "I can't wait to eat some amazing food that my wonderful Mama made!"

"Yeah, yeah enough with the sucking up. When you get home, you and Sky both need to hit the shower. Got it?" Mrs. Cabello says

"Okay, Mama, whatever you say. Right Sky?" Camila asks looking at me 

I nod "Yup!"

"Hey Sofia, how's summer going?" She holds Sofia's hand and we start to walk to the car. We get to their house and Camila shows me the guest room that was on the second floor. 

Camila says "Alright, go take a shower and then come to the kitchen for dinner."

"Okay," I say tossing my bag on the bed. 

She leaves and I take a shower in the bathroom next door. Once I'm done, I go to the kitchen and they're all waiting for me. Sofia and Camila are talking at the table, while Mr. and Mrs. Cabello finished up making the food. Camila smiles at me when she sees me. I walk over to them to join their conversation. 

Dinner was a lot of fun. There were a lot of laughs and making fun of each other. Her family really did make me feel like I was part of their family. That feeling didn't leave me the entire time I was with them. 

I also met Lauren's family later in the week. They were all really excited to meet me and they treated me like I was part of their family. I can't think of a single moment where I felt like an outcast. 

Both families made me feel so welcomed. I can honestly say I fell in love with both of their families. 

A/N: Hey guys! If you liked this chapter please consider leaving a vote! 

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