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A few days later, we were in Illinois. My hometown.

Camila wakes me up and tells me that we're going to the mall. I'm not in the mood to go out. Being here just reminds me of how much I want to go home. It reminds me of how these girls aren't my family, and how devastated my family must be. They're probably looking for me right now.

God, I need to get out of here. Maybe going to the mall will give me a chance to escape. I just need to figure out how.

Once I get ready, we head straight to the mall. We go to the movie theater and Dinah asks me "Hey, Monkey, what movie you wanna watch?"

"I don't care," I reply simply. I was too busy thinking of ways to escape to care about a movie.

"You want to watch Spiderman?" asks Lauren with her arm wrapped around me.

"I don't care. Whatever you want." I say as I look around to locate the exits near me.

Camila eyes my suspiciously as she says "Umm, okay let's just watch Spiderman. What time is it on?"

"It's only on at 2:30." Ally says

"Great, it's only 11 right now," Camila says

"Whatever, let's just kill some time here," Normani says

"Can we get food." I ask with a plan forming in mind "I'm hungry."

"Alright, let's go," says Ally as she wraps her arm around me to lead me to the food court.

We find an empty seat at the food court and sit down. As soon as we sit down, I began to look for exits. I spot an exit not too far from us. There's a bathroom right next to it.

"Monkey, whatcha thinking about?" asks Camila

"Huh? Nothing!" I reply nervously

"What do you want to eat?" Asks Lauren

"I don't care."

"I say we get some chicken wings," Normani says

"Can I go to the bathroom?" I ask

"Yeah, I'll come with you." Ally says as she gets up

"Can I go by myself?" I ask

"Hmm, no. That's not happening." Lauren replies

"But why? I feel like I should've earned your trust by now. I've been such a good kid for the past few weeks."

They all look at each other then Lauren says "Well, I appreciate you being a good kid, but that doesn't mean we're going to let you wander off by yourself. It's not tha-"

Camila interrupts her and says "It's fine. I think we should let her go by herself. If we want her to be comfortable with us we're going to have to trust her more."

Normani says "Yeah, I agree with you. Sky, you can go."

"I don't think this is a good idea," Lauren mumbles

"Thank you!" I reply getting up. I walk to the bathroom, but right before I go in, I turn around and go to the exit instead. I made sure that they weren't watching me as I did that.

I've been to this mall before with my friends, so I know that there's a bus stop nearby. In fact, I'm pretty certain that it's near where I am right now. I walk around for a bit, trying to find the stop. After a few minutes, I see the bus stop and the bus closing its doors, getting ready to leave.

"STOP!" I scream as I run after the bus

The bus driver hears me, thankfully, and stops. As I run up to the door, I hear someone screaming at me.

"Skylar Jackson!!!"

As I get on the bus, I look to the person who's screaming. I see Camila running towards me, with the rest of the girls trailing behind her. She looks absolutely furious.

"Go!" I say to the bus driver

He understands what's happening and closes the doors before he takes off. Thankfully, I have some money with me, so I was able to pay for my ticket.


I get off the bus and start to walk to my house. It was 10 minutes away from the bus stop. Once my house comes into view, my heart feels like it's going to burst out of my chest. I'm so excited to see my mom.

I get to the door and knock. I bet my mom's going to cry when she opens the door and sees me. She's probably going to hug me tight and tell me how much she missed me.

When my mom does open the door, her reaction was not one that I was expecting. She seems perfectly happy, but when she sees me her smile turns into a frown.

She says "Oh! Skylar, we missed you! What happened?"

She lets me in without even hugging me. After a few minutes of talking, I go to my room.

My room is completely empty. There's nothing in here, but a bed. When I ask her about it, she says that she got rid of it because she was too sad.

That does make sense.


I go to school the next day pretty early. I sit on the floor near the lunchroom. My back is up against the wall and I'm on my phone. No one is really around, but that's probably because of how early it is.

I put my headphones in and I start to listen to music when I see 3 pairs of feet walking towards me. I don't look up because I'm certain that they'll pass me, but they suddenly stop right in front of me. I look up slowly.

The pairs of feet belong to Dinah, Lauren, and Camila.

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