Alice's PoV

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Well I have a black eye. I didn't think Rechelle had it in her.

Anyway I wasn't pointing Rechelle out at all, I was mad at my own friend, who isn't even full paying. Her name is Makayla. And she is dating the guy I like.

I guess I sound like a hypocrite but trust me, everyone is.

The guy I like's name is James. And I'm a hopeless romantic. Anyways that clears that up.

"Movie theater tonight?" Jess asks our group. It's Friday night and we are supposed to be studying in one of the empty classrooms but no one was really studying. "I thought you hated walking there." Juliana asks. "No that's you." Counters reneigh. "Who should we bring?" I ask. "Well what movies are playing? Is it even worth it?" Wonders Jessi. "That new one came out! That really good looking one!" Says Timothy walking in.

Timothy happens to be my cousin, and one of my best friends. He has brown hair, tan skin and freckles, his brown eyes full of mischief.

"Okay then, lets go invite people." Jess states. I walk out of the room first, wondering who to invite. Then I see it. Makayla and James hand in hand, mouth in mouth. My pace quickens and reneigh trying to catch up with me. I practically run straight into the bathroom.

By then all of my friends (not andrew) sort of pile into the bathroom and kinda watch me there, empty. I somehow slide onto the floor. silent tears trickling down my face like a leaking faucet. They lock the door and let me just kinda sit there, working out my complications.

"Why don't we sneak out the tv and pop in Mean Girls, and have a girls night in, while Rechelle is still in the confinement room. Rachel and Juliana can stay the night." Jessi suggests. Jess agreeing.

We walk out, my face still pouring water. Timothy kinda just understands, awkwardly hugs me and walks back to his dorm room, to hangout with Allen for the night.

Allen is the other guy in our group. He has dirty blonde hair, and brown eyes, he is tall. He is very athletic, not that Camecry lets him play on any of the sports teams being a scholarship kid and all.


I end up in a peaceful oblivion on the floor, watching the movie with my friends, living in the moment and forgetting the drama.


I wake up on the floor, my friends around me, the menu replaying over and over on the tv. I laugh, in a good mood.
Sitting up I clean up the TV set so that when the teachers come around to make us do laundry they won't see it.

I sit on our bed debating how to wake the girls up. I definatley have to wake up reneigh and Juliana or else the teacher will be putting us all in punishment rooms. I finally settle on the squirt bottle in the bathroom.

Climbing on to of the left bunk (Jess') I aim the bottle down and lean closer. I spray everybody multiple times and quickly jerk the bottle up they all get mad at me. "ms. Bailey will be here soon get up and reneigh and Juliana look like you walked in to hangout, not spend the night." I say

"Get off my bunk with spray bottle or you'll have more than one black eye." Jess states. "What if I do this before I do?" I ask. I spritz a small amount at her. She gets mad and I jump down and hand her the bottle. She sprays me twice and I ignore her.

We all clean up the blankets and arrange them on the three of our beds, ignoring rechelle's bed.

"Everyone get out now. Or I will have daddy sue your pants off." Rechelle stomps in.

Well my life is now over.

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