Valentines (multiple PoV's)

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So I will try my best to distinguish between perspectives and put this: 🔵🔴🔵🔴🔵 in between each section I will also say who's perspective its in.


Rechelle's PoV:

I am exactly where I want to be on Valentine's Day. With my best friend Makayla, watching movies on my laptop, spending the night together ignoring everyone in "love."

"So any boys you've had your eye on lately?" She asks. Her legs cross and she puts her head on her fists. "Not really, you?" I ask. "Not really. Boys are stupid and immature." She says.

"Amen!" I agree. It's good to be spending Valentine's Day in the right place.


Jessi's PoV:

Reneigh, and Juliana decided to spend the night at our dorm. Alice was out until curfew, but we didn't mind. We watched movies on the TV which consisted of Forrest Gump, which made us all cry and then we chatted after, wiping out noses and blotchy faces.

"So we are all still single on Valentine's Day? Score!" Reneigh says. "Yeah but I wish We weren't the only group in the school that thought that." I counter. "No we are just the only full scholarship group." Juliana says. Everyone silently agrees.

I pull out another sour patch kid and hand everyone else one. "To singularity!" I toast. Everyone knocks their sour patch kids together and eat them.


Alice's PoV:

Now look im as romantic as the next teenage girl but Valentine's Day is the worst holiday ever.

I mean I get it we all love eachother, do we need to make a holiday for it?

I don't care if it's February 14th. But other people do. "Hey." James says as we walk into a hallway. "Just to tell you I hate Valentine's Day." I say before he can say anything else.

"Why!?" He exclaims, then continues. "I guess goodnight then." He smirks and walks away. "Wait!" I shout running past couples in the hallway.

He continues on like he can't hear me. He turns one corner then another, then another until we end up alone. He laughs as i pant for air.

We sit down and talk, about opinions, and world views, and our childhoods.

He grew up in Florida, in a malibu mansion. He has 3 little siblings and is very close to them. Even though he grew up rich he had to work for everything. "I begged my parents to send me here and that's the only thing they've ever just given me." He sighs.

"Well I'm glad." I say. "Why?" He asks. "Because then you'd be like every other full paying kid here, you would feel entitled to everything." I say.

"Thank you?" He questions. Then I scooch over to him and just lay my head on his shoulder, sitting there not saying anything but completely content.


Timothy's PoV:

"Hey Jenifer." I smile to hide my fear. She turns around and sees me, smiling she says good bye to them and we walk into the library.

The library is very large here, it's a mix of classic looking library shelves next to very modern chairs and tables that have laptop chargers hooked into the table. The library shelves stretched all the way to the ceiling, a moving ladder was on each book case, stretching the whole length to the second floor ceiling. The stairs led up to more smaller book shelves, right where I took her.

"So I got your text." She says as we sit down in the farthest nook of the library. "Really?" I scratch my head and look away, trying to hide my blushing.

"And yes, we should." She smiles at me. "Really you'd be my girlfriend?" I ask. she giggles. "Yes! but I think we have some spies." She says glaring at a pair of eyes looking at us. "Allen go away." I say. He walks off and I move right beside her.

She kisses me on the cheek but I turn around right as she does. We accidentally touch lips and I jerk away. She smirks and hugs me. That was a good start I think to myself.


Authors perspective:

And this is how Valentine's Day ends. Now back to Rechelle's PoV.


I woke up to Makayla slapping at me. Jerking up I meet the eyes of Ms. Bailey. "Please don't tell Camecry!" Makayla sobs. "Don't worry I never tell her first time around, just don't do it again." She says. We both nod.

She walks out the door and when she is probably a good distance away Makayla bursts into laughter. "And that's how you get out of trouble." She says.

Wow I misjudged her.

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