Timothy's PoV

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Girls are so dramatic. I mean really some of them are even worse than Alice. I mean in September Carli threw a big hissy fit at alice for running for student council president, because she was also running. And now Rechi.

Rechi is honestly still very snobby but at least she was nice to us. Now we are back on the same boat of segregation.

Well for starters let me introduce myself.

I am Timothy Baker. My cousins are Allen Baker and Alice Ray. Both very weird kids. Allen is just, well he's kind of just odd. Alice is kind of crazy, like she took a hyper pill and now she's permanently jumpy and happy.

You might have heard from someone that my dorm is on the first floor. Well sit down a minute this is quite the story.

Well the Baker family is a very powerful family, we aren't bathing in riches we just have good connections with the school board. My grandpa is on it and if they try to put either Allen or I on probation he could fire Camecry. So we had to do something just to test her.

Camecry isn't too keen on pranks. So we snuck into her office one day. She had just gotten a new set of sticky notes. Those really big pack ones, and well we couldn't really help it. We sticky noted her whole office. On each note we either put Allen Baker or Timothy Baker.

That's how we ended up in one of the first floor dorms.

Anyway back to my topic. Today was our first day with school back in session. Every time I saw Rechi she would stick her nose in the air and walk away from me. So much for trying intergration between full paying and scholarships. And I know it may sound like we have a lot of scholarship kids, but we don't talk to the full payers, there are also probably 80% more full payers than scholarships.

Whenever I saw alice her face was red and puffy and she was crying. Jess and Jessi had forlorned looks etched on their face, but Reneigh and Juliana were indifferent, almost happier that Rechi hated them.

"You okay you two?" I ask at our lunch table. Jess says, "it kinda hurts, but don't mention it to alice, she'll cry even more if you ask." Jessi nods in agreement.

Girls are so dramatic.


"So how are you and Jess?" I ask Allen, he hasn't talked about her for a while. Something is wrong. "Okay I guess." He mutters. Uh oh better not continue this topic. "Oh just wondering, I'm going to go brush my teeth." I say.

I've got my basketball shorts and tshirt on and I'm ready for this stupid day to be over.

Once I exit the bathroom Mr. Waltson walks in. "Timothy, Allen mrs. Camecry wants to see you." He states. "But we haven't done anything to her since we sticky noted her office!" I interject. "I don't know why you are going there but good luck." He replies.

This is it, she's probably going to lock us in one of those jail cells and then I'm never going to see the light of day again!

"Boys, sit down." Camecry looks very ticked off. "You are in so much trouble!" She immediately says. "We didn't do anything!" Allen yells. "Then why is this spray painted on the side of the building?" She retorts.

She shows us a picture of a spray paint sketch that says 'power to the scholarships!' "Look we didn't do it. Shouldn't you have security cameras?" Allen says. "Not outside the school. And if you didn't do it then who did?" She says. "well I've never used spray paint in my life, and if you want to search our dorm for bottled you can." I say, boredly. "I hate you two, get out of my office." She yells.

"Who did it?" Allen asks me. "I bet you Rechi did it just to get us expelled." I respond when we are back in our dorm rooms.

I'm too tired out to do anything else and fall asleep on my bottom bunk.

A/N: sorry I've been using the name Rechi a lot and you are probably wondering who that is. That is what the group calls Rechelle.

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