Reneigh's PoV

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Well we all had a great Christmas. Juliana and I got bracelets for eachother. The other girls are acting strangely. Alice and Rechelle are acting like besties which seems odd because Alice's black eye hasn't even fully healed yet.

You probably haven't heard much about me yet, that's okay I'm not itching to get noticed. I've been coming to this school since kindergarten, as have most of my friends, except Jess and Juliana.

I am from New Philadelphia, Ohio. My older brother attends the highschool here and my younger brother will be coming to this campus soon. My little sister has just started attending 1st grade at the elementary campus.

I have 3 roomates. Karen, Jenifer and Juliana. Me and Juliana are very close. Jenifer is okay but I'm a little jealous of her, she kind of leads my crush on.

I however don't like Karen whatsoever. She is very full of herself. VERY. She goes on and on about Mike everyday. I swear if I see them hug on the stairs again I will lock her out of the dorm room. The feeling is also mutual. I'm not aloud to bring friends in our dorm room she states. I don't know why but I definatley don't want to find out what she'll do to me if I do.

We are next door to the other girls and we spend the night there sometimes, but not anymore. I don't like being in there with Rechelle. She is almost as bad as sandy was!

Sandy is another full paying girl who is in a dorm way on the other side of the hallway. She has blonde hair blue eyes, and is also full of herself. She has little wannabes buzzing around her and is the top of our class in popularity.

I hate popular girls.

"Oh hey Reneigh how have you been? It's been a while since I've seen you." Sandy says. "Umm yeah." I stammer. "Ever since I switched form rooms to get away from your friends I forget you even exist." she responds.

All of a sudden Jessi is walking down the hallway to the boys' dorm room on the first floor. But she pauses. "What are you two talking about?" She says.

"Oh nothing, don't you have an extra class to be attending loser? I heard you needed one if your ever going to make it to the 9th grade here." She says to jessi. I get scared no one, I repeat no one messes with jessi.

Jessi shoots a warning glance but sandy is already off. "And since Camecry decided you should stay held back another year maybe she'll make you a custodian since you'll never pass the 8th grade." "Oh really? Because last time I checked that was you who was flunking out, sluffing classes to spend time with your boyfriend? Because I'm getting straight A's." Sandy looks caught off guard. No one knew that, and no one thought she would ever lie. "Oh shut up. We aren't even going out anymore!" She shouts as she storms away.

I high five Jessi and she smiles. "Can't let popular girls be the only ones to embarrass people." She says.

And with that we walk together to the boys' room.

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