Chapter 5: Movie Night

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Nini's POV

Ricky and I built the fort and decided to watch Greatest Showman.

"I love that movie" I told him when it finished.

"I think you just love Zac Efron to be honest, I don't think it's the movie" he laughed.

"Eh! A bit of both" I giggled.

"It's already 11:37" he said "Are we gonna go to bed now? Since it's a school night"

"Yeah, sure" I said yawning "We'll take down the fort tomorrow"

We got out of the fort and went into my bedroom.

"Do you want the side closer to the door or the window?" I asked him.

"Don't care. What do you want?" He yawned in response.

"I'll have the window" I said getting in bed "Night Ricky"

"Night Nini" he said, getting into bed beside me, as we drifted off to sleep.

In my dream Ricky and I were getting married. I was in a nice, white dress with some flowers on it and Ricky had a very fancy suit on.

The next morning when I woke up I found Ricky's arms around me and I didn't want to wake him up so I didn't move, then I remembered the dream I had.

What does it mean? I'm gonna ask Malou today, she's bound to know. It's her speciality to know what dreams mean. The thing is, I only met Ricky yesterday and I just had a dream about us getting married.

"Hu?" Ricky asked when he woke up. When he realized why he was here he seemed pretty annoyed, I would be too if my parents were always fighting.

"Morning sleepyhead" I said and he looked over at me.

That's when he realized his arms were around me "Sorry" he quickly apologized as he let go of me.

"No worries" I said "getting up for school?"

"Wait, I have a choice?" He asked sarcastically.

"Haha! Very funny Richard" I joked running into the bathroom with my clothes.

"You'll pay for that" he shouted in "I'm going to get changed"

"Ok" I said "Wait. Can I come out?"

"Yep" he responded as I walked out of the bathroom.

"Do you want some clothes? We might have something you could borrow?" I asked him.

"Why would you have some clothes that would be for men?" He asked me.

"Uhh... just... We do..." I said nervously. I didn't want him to find out the real reason why we would have men's clothing in a house that only has women in it.

"Okayyyy" he said questionably "Sure then"

I went downstairs and asked my moms for the clothes. I brought them upstairs and gave them to Ricky and we got changed.

"Can I come out now?" I asked him from the bathroom.

"Sure" he called in. I came out and sat beside him on the bed.

"We still have an hour till school starts" I told him, looking at my watch "What do you wanna do?"

"We could practice for the auditions?" He asked me.

"Good idea, do you know any scenes?" I said.

"Nope" he responded plainly.

"Well we can't do that then" I thought about it "Why don't we sing? We're gonna have to sing a song in the auditions anyway"

"Uhh, sure. What song?" He nodded.

"We could sing I think I kinda ya know and/or Just for a moment" I said excitedly while getting my ukulele, microphones and keyboard out.

"Sure" he said getting up and taking one of the microphones "Why do you have two microphones by the way?"

"One year Momma C and Momma D both bought me a microphone for Christmas accidentally and I ended up keeping them both" I laughed.

"Well, that explains that!" He laughed too "We can start with Just for a moment and then we will do I think I kinda ya know after?"

"Sure!" I said connecting my phone to the speaker and playing Just for a moment on Spotify.

"Wow! You're good" I told him.

"I could say the same about you" he laughed "I think I kinda ya know?"

"Sure" I replied.

No one's POV

Little did they know what was going on outside...

Dana's POV

"They are singing love songs" I said sweetly to my wife.

"End of the week for sure and they will be telling us we are gonna be grandmommas" she said.

I looked at her with a worried expression.

"I'm joking, chill D!" She smiled.

"Don't joke about that Car" I said seriously.

Ricky's POV

Nini is super cute, funny and good at singing! I can't wait to learn more about her!

"I think I kinda ya know?" I asked her.

"Sure" she replied as she got out her ukulele "I can play this one so... Can we do it this way instead?"

"Why not? I'd rather do it that way anyway" I told her "Why do you know it anyway?"

"Uhh... Just... Uhh... Love the song" she rushed before she started playing the song. Something is going on here and she doesn't want to tell me. I won't rush her... Yet.

"You're really good" I told Nini.

"Thanks, you too" we looked at eachother, sitting on the end of Nini's bed and my eyes went between her eyes and her lips and her eyes did the same.

On my eyes and lips... Not her own...

We leaned in and our lips were a few centimetres away from touching when.

"BREAKFAST TIme... Oh" Dana burst into the room "My go now to ruin the moment, sorry"

"Uhh... No problem" Nini said hesitantly. We all just looked at each other awkwardly.

"What's going on here..." Carol asked trailing off at the end while walking into Nini's room "Let me guess. Dana walked in when you were close to..."

But Nini cut her off "That's enough Mom... That's enough"

"Yes, I did and feel terrible" Dana said awkwardly.

"Ha! Now you know what it feels like" Carol shouted in her face "Sorry, not the right time"

"What's for breakfast?" I asked breaking the awkward... very awkward silence.

"Pancakes" Dana said.

"I'm hungry let's eat" Nini said.

"I agree, let us do just that!" I said in a British accent.

"Did you just..." Nini started.

"Don't ask" I interrupted, getting pancakes.

Please tell me what you think of this story! I won't continue if it's not good. I have another story on it's way!

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