Chapter 17: Explaining a lot

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I would just like to say, before you start, that this chapter was written a while ago. The 'news' or 'secret' was looked up and I got this idea because I wanted something 😯😯 so I came up with this. If you find this offensive because you have been through this then I apologize. I have not been through this. I didn't even think about the fact that other people may have been until yesterday which was a bit late to change it. Again, I apologize and please do not get offended by this. I hope you understand. Thanks!

Nini's POV

"So, where should I start?" I asked my boyfriend.

"From the start" he answered, sitting on my bed.

"Ok. So. I started getting, what I like to call, my 'monthly miracle' before I was even one. It was some sort of young puberty thing and it's not that popular. Anyhow, when I was seven I was raped and ended up pregnant. I have no clue where that baby is now but all I know is that it is in a better place than being raised by someone who is seven years older than them. I still can't believe it now" I told him "So, if you want to break up with me then do it now"

He said nothing.

"Hello? Can you at least say something?" I asked him.

"No" he responded.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"I'm not breaking up with you. An idiot that you don't even know was stupid and made a mistake. That's not a good enough excuse to break up with someone I love as much as I love you" he told me.

"I love you too. Thanks" I kissed his cheek.

"Wow, earlier a hug was it and now just a cheek kiss? I've been hardcore friendzoned by my girlfriend" he laughed.

"Haha" I laughed and caught his lips in a kiss.

The kiss went on.

And on.

And on.

And then turned into a make out session.

The make out session went on.

And on.

And on.

I pulled away and looked at Ricky nervously. He looked at me anxiously.

"So, wait. You lost your... You know... at age seven by some stranger?" Ricky broke the comfortable silence.

"Way to ruin the moment" I laughed, taking my hands off of the side of his face "Yeah..."

He looked shocked "I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of that at such a young age"

"It shouldn't happen to anyone no matter what age" I told him "And while we are on... This topic... Have you... You know... Lost yours?"

"No... There's no one I have ever wanted to loose mine to" he confessed. Not even me? "I'm waiting for the right time"

"I'm waiting for the right time to actually, properly loose mine too. I wouldn't say that, that creep would count since I don't tell anyone and because I had no idea what was going on. I was too young" I laughed.

We sat there for a minute, silently but comfortably.

"Can you not tell the gang? I don't want them knowing. At least not just yet. They won't mind? Will they?" I asked.

"No. They don't have to know and if they ever found out, they would understand why you don't want to tell them"

"Thanks Ricky. I love you so much" I smiled at my boyfriend.

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