Chapter 18: Deepest Darkest Secrets

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I felt like it was time to do a Ricky's POV for once. I haven't done one in a while because I usually see who suits the POV better and recently it has been Nini but this one doesn't really matter so I decided to change it up!

Ricky's POV

EJ, Gina, Ashlyn, Big Red, Seb, Carlos, Kourtney, Nini and I all walked to Gina's house. I was a bit worried that Kourtney was going to feel like a ninth wheel but they all seem to be enjoying, what they like to call, 'the Rini honeymoon stage' but, really. We are just in love.

We were all walking peacefully in our little groups. EJ and Gina, probably talking about some theater things. Ashlyn and Big Red, planning their party that they are having for thanksgiving. Carlos, Seb and Kourtney talking about fashion and whatever Broadway is. And last but DEFINITELY not least, Nini and I. Or in other words, Rini. We are talking, well. More like whispering, about the whole pregnant as a seven year old thing. It's blown my mind.

"What are you two whispering about?" Kourtney asked, scaring us.

"Nothing" Nini said, a bit too quickly. That got the attention from everyone around us.

"What's nothing? Because nothing is definitely not nothing. Nothing is almost always something, especially if you say it that quickly" Gina confused everyone around her as she and the gang walked over.

"Don't worry, it's nothing" I defended my girlfriend.

"Sure, ok. Whatever" Big Red said "Dude, I'm your best friend. Whatever you are talking about, you can tell me"

"He doesn't have to tell you everything he knows, you know that, right?" Kourtney asked him.

"I think that if they want to keep a secret, they have the right to" Ashlyn kindly told everyone.

"I agree" Gina smiled "If you don't want to tell us then you don't have to"

"I can't deny that I want to know... But, I do think that you are allowed a secret here and there" EJ held Gina's hand.

"They secretly dated for, like, a year or something before they actually told us" I whispered to Nini.

"Wow" she replied, still whispering.

"I don't think a 'quick nothing' secret should be kept from us but I also don't think that we should force you to tell us" Seb explained "I suppose that I am on your side"

"I am too" Kourtney gave us a comforting smile "But if you need to talk then please talk to one of us. You shouldn't keep 'quick nothings' bottled up"

"If they are all on your side then I guess I am too" Big Red messed up EJ's hair jokingly. EJ gave him a death stare before tidying his hair up again and Red looked at him with a worried expression.

"Do that to Carlos or someone. Not me" EJ told the boy.

"Speaking of Carlos, why haven't you agreed with us?" Ashlyn asked.

"Because I don't agree with you. I told Ricky and Nini one of my deepest secrets and they won't tell me theirs" He said.

"We didn't know that that was your deepest secret" Nini told him "Also, it's about me. Ricky found out by accident and I wouldn't have even told him if he hadn't have found out himself"

"Guys, here's my house. Let's all just chill and go inside and play some games" Gina rubbed her back.

"Thanks. I needed that" she thanked the curly haired girl as we walked into her house.

We all chilled and watched Frozen, which makes no sense by the way. Who would rather stay up and play with snow than go to sleep? Not me! I have a lot more questions about it but Nini told me to shut up after I asked that one question or else she'd break up with me and I couldn't risk that. They are just going to have to wait for a better time. Anyhow, I'm pretty sure everyone let it go which was a relief. See what I did there? Let it go! As in, the song!

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