Chapter 6: Nini's Past

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This isn't really a chapter, it's more of just what happened in the past which made Nini know the ukulele chords and have men's clothes.

Nini's POV

"Frankie, I don't know" I told my best friend.

We were sitting at the bench in the corner of the lunch room talking and eating our packed lunches.

"Nini, how many times? You love him, he loves you. Tell him!" She told me.

I want to tell my boyfriend that I love him but I'm scared he will reject me so I just don't. I have loved him for a couple of months now and Frankie has been forcing me to tell him but every time I tell her I will tell him, I freak out and don't.

"What is he doesn't love me or isn't ready to say it? You know? I'm just going to wait until he makes the first move" I told her.

"No Nini!" She said putting down her prawn sandwich "You should make the first move and I'm not going to stop forcing you to. How many times has he stayed over at your house? Be the bigger person Nini"

"Fine your right. I'll invite him over sometime soon, learn that song on my ukulele about how someone doesn't not love someone"

"I think I kinda you know" Frankie interrupted me.

"And tell him I love him" I finished "Good plan?"

"Great plan!" Frankie told me.

"He always leaves his clothes at mine you know?!" I laughed.

"Okayyyyy" she giggled "Are you coming camping with Amelia, Dirk, Me, Jack and Bernie?"

"Sure!" I told her "You know you can just say 'the gang' right?"

"Yeah but I like saying everyone's names. It makes them feel important!" She laughed.

"No it doesn't but ok" I laughed "I will tell Jack I love him there"

"Great plan!" She told me.

"Wait. Amelia is going camping?" I said shocked.

"Probably glamping but... I don't know" Frankie told me.

*At the camp site*

"Ew Ew Ew"  Amelia said.

"It's just mud" Dirk told her.

"Who is staying in what cabins?" Bernie asked.

"Nini and I will stay in one together" Jack said.

"Ok" Frankie said "You two stay in that one" she pointed to the one on the right.

We walked into the cabin and Jack told me that he'd go out and get wood for the fire.

"Ok, be back by 7?" I asked him.

"Yup" he told me.


"Hey! Has anyone seen Jack?" I asked to anyone who was listening.

"Sorry, no" Dirk said "Did he not go out for wood a few hours ago?"

"Yeah, I told him to be back by 7" I said looking around.

"Ew Ew Ew!" Amelia said walking on the mud while trying to get to the fire.

"Amelia, we are camping. This is going to be muddy. Do you have wellies?" Bernie asked her.

"Ew! Wellies? No!" She said offended.

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