Chapter 10: Mommas

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Nini's POV

"What happened to you two? Why are you home so late?" I asked, crying.

"Honey, we apologize but we had to stay late for work" Momma D told me.

"Why didn't you answer my calls or texts then?" I wiped my tears away.

"Our phones were taken away from us" Momma C told me.

"That's an awful excuse" I said, annoyed with them. I grabbed Ricky's hand and went upstairs to get changed and go to school.

"Their phones were taken off them? What? I was so worried for no reason!" I complained as I did my make up.

"At least they are safe" Ricky tried to lighten up the mood. I gave him a glare "Right, not the place or time"

"Let's go" I took his hand and we went downstairs.

"Nini! Ricky! Wait. You need breakfast!" My moms shouted after us.

"We'll go to Starbucks" I replied, annoyed.

We walked out the door and got into the car. I started silently crying.

"Nini, it's ok" she reassured me.

"No, Ricky. No it's not. I was worried all night and they didn't even care" I complained, wiping my eyes. They were sore and puffy from all of my crying.

"What do you want from Starbucks?" He asked, kindly.

"Just a coffee" I told him, looking in the mirror to make sure my make up hadn't smudged.

"Ok" he smiled at me and ordered our food at the drive through and drove to school We drank our coffees quickly in the car park and went into the building.

"Are Nini and Ricky together? Be careful Nini" some weird guys laughed.

"What?" I asked Ricky "What do they mean?"

"Uh... Nothing..." He looked worried.

"Everything ok?" I looked at him.

He was about to reply when the gang came up to us smiling.

"Yo! What up Porky Pigs?" Carlos screamed.

"Porky Pigs?" I asked, confused.

"That's the name of our group chat" Ashlyn informed me.

"You guys... Have a group chat?" I gave them a fake smile. I know they only met me recently but I was kind of offended that they hadn't added me in it.

"I'll add you" Kourtney smiled at me. I smiled back.

"There. You're in" Big Red told me.

"Where's EJ and Gina?" Seb asked, looking around.

"I don't know. They seemed pretty angry at us yesterday" I told them.

"Why?" Kourtney asked.

"They got the leads in the play and Gina and EJ got the understudies" Carlos told her.

"Oh..." Big Red nodded.

"Ricky, you ok? You seem... Off" I asked him.

"Yeah... I'm fine" he gave me an obviously fake smile.

"Ricky... Seriously, you can talk to me" I told him.

"I'M FINE! OK?" He shouted at me which made me jump back a bit. He walked off angrily.

"What's wrong with him?" Seb asked.

"Some guys came over, assumed we were dating and told me to be careful, I don't know why, and since then Ricky has been really quiet and then that happened" I explained to them.

They all looked at eachother with worry "Nini, do you know why they told you to watch out?" Ashlyn asked me.

"No, why? Is there something I should know?" I asked them.

"No further comment. Time for rehearsal. Let's go. Everyone in the rehearsals room now. Move it. Let's go" Carlos rushed us all into the auditorium to rehearse.

Why was everyone acting so weird? Is there something I don't know? Clearly there is but what?

Should I keep the chapters long or short but more consistent? Please tell me what you think!

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