Chapter 15: Cheating, cheating and even more cheating

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Nini's POV

I woke up to Ricky beside me and Momma C gently shaking me so that she can wake me up but not my boyfriend.

"What?" I whispered.

"Lola is coming over today. You said that you had something to ask her?" She said.

"Yeah, I did" I told them, remembering about my dream I had.

"Also, why is Ricky in your bed?" She asked.

"He had a rough night" I explained, getting out of bed quietly.

"Is everything ok at home?" She looked concerned.

"Yeah, his mom has been cheating on his dad" I told her "His dad must feel awful"

"Yeah... You should go talk to him. You've gotten over the exact same thing" she told me.

"Maybe..." I got out some clothes and got changed in the bathroom

I came out and Ricky was still sleeping. I decided against waking him up because he must be so tired after last night and he'll wake up sometime soon anyway. I went downstairs and made a cup of tea.

"Morning sweetie" Momma D greeted me, kissing my head.

"Morning Momma D. Hope you don't mind that Ricky stayed over. Drama at home" I told my mom.

"No, that's fine your Momma C told me. Tell Mr Bowen that we send best wishes. We are going out this morning for breakfast, would you like to wake Ricky up and you two can come?" She offered.

"No thanks. Ricky is pretty tired and I was gonna make pancakes anyway. You two can go without us" I told her.

"Ok, if you're sure. Love you, bye" she waved as she left.

I started making some pancakes when I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly tidied up the kitchen and made it safe so that no fires would start.

"What do you want?" I asked angrily as I opened it.

"Nini, please can I come in?" Jake asked.

"No" I answered bluntly.

"I need to tell you something" he looked guilty.

"Tell me here" I demanded.

"Nini... You might have to sit down" he gulped.

"Seriously? What could be so important that you can't just tell me here?" I asked him.

"Just... Please?... Trust me" he begged me.

"Last time that I trusted you, you cheated on me. Why should I trust you again?" I asked him getting frustrated.

"Nini, that's what I want to talk to you about. I'm going to explain that" he told me.

"Really?" I asked, shocked. He nodded "This better not be a trick to be able to get into my house" I opened the door more to let him in.

"Sit down" he ordered "Trust me... You are going to need to..."

I sat down "Explain. Why did you cheat on me?"

"Ok, so, first of all, Frankie and I broke up. She's not keeping the baby and nor am I. Someone is adopting it" he started "And I didn't want to cheat on you" he confessed "If I had my way, I wouldn't have. I did because I cared about you"

"Ha!" I sarcastically laughed "You cheated on me because you cared about me?" I asked.

"Yes, you don't understand but I will explain everything" he told me "This is why" he took out a book from his bag.

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