Chapter 13: Should I stay or let you go?

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Ricky's POV

Nini and I were walking into school today but she seemed distracted.

"Are you ok?" I asked her.

"Uh... Yeah... I'm fine" she gave me a fake smile.

"That's a fake smile and you are not ok" I informed her "Come on Nini, you can tell me anything. You know that. What is going on?"

"I... Fine" she gave in "I applied for this Actors Conservatory before I moved and... Um... I got accepted yesterday"

"An actor's conservatory?" I looked at her shocked.

"It's in Denver" she looked up at me.

"Oh..." I didn't want her to move. She changed me, us. The whole group, for the better and we just wouldn't ever be the same.

"I didn't think I was going to get in at first. It was really just for curiosity" she said.

"You should go" I told her. Who am I from keeping her from following her dreams that she probably had from before she met us.

"I knew you'd say that" she smiled at me. This time it was a proper smile.

"Don't think about it. Just go and enjoy it" I smiled at her.

"Enjoy what?" EJ asked, coming over.

The rest of the gang walked over and joined in on the conversation.

"I... Uh... I..." She stuttered.

"Hey, just tell them" I told her, giving a comforting smile.

She nodded and told they gang about getting accepted into the school.

"Did you say yes?" Carlos asked.

Nini shook her head "Not yet. I'm still thinking"

"Nini, I would kill to get in there. You should go" Gina smiled at her.

"Maybe... But I made proper friends that won't us me to get to my boyfriend and I wouldn't want to leave you guys for the world" Nini told everyone.

"It's obvious that you need to rant so we are here" Kourtney gave Nini a comforting smile. Nini returned it and everyone sat down on the bench.

"Okay..." Nini started from infront of everyone "When Jake cheated in me I felt broken. Especially since it was with Frankie" she rushed out "I needed a new life so tried to get into Youth Actors Conservatory but didn't think I got in. Moved here. And made new friends. Ones that are amazing. I made a boyfriend that actually cares for me! A boyfriend that ACTUALLY cares for me. And even though that we are in a fake relationship I love him so much for it and..." She stopped after she realized what she just said.

Everyone looked at her with eyes and mouth wide. Even me. Then everyone's heads turned, in sync, to me.

"Whoops! Didn't mean to say that!" Nini laughed it off.

"Nini. Loves. Ricky." Carlos realized "Nini loves Ricky! NINI LOVES RICKY!" He smiled.

"RINI! RINI! RINI! RINI! RINI!" Everyone, except for Nini and I chanted.

"Wait. Guys. What does Ricky say about this?" Ashlyn pointed out.

"Wait. What?" I asked, to be honest I didn't really want to tell Nini that I loved her, even though I do, we aren't even together properly.

"Do you love Nini back?" EJ asked me.

"Well... Uh... I don't know..." I stumbled.

"Ricky, your my best buddy. Tell me at least" Big Red smiled at me.

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