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Taehyung opened his eyes and saw Jennie peacefully sleeping on the floor. She insisted that he should sleep on the bed since he's sick. Before Taehyung could argue, she already placed a blanket on the floor and two pillows for her head and for something she would like to hug. That's what happened.

He used his left arm to support his head and smiled to himself. "Sleep well Jennie-yah.." He stopped himself from pinching her cute cheeks and hugging her right now. He didn't want to wake her up.

Taehyung sighed and looked at the window. It's still raining outside and it's around two in the morning. He noticed that Jennie was shivering with her toes curled up.

"I told you, you should sleep on the bed." He stood up and gave her the blanket he had. "You need this more than I do right now." He tucked her in to warm her a little. "I hope you're dreaming of good things."

He kissed her forehead but Jennie suddenly turned to his side and hugged his torso. Does she know she's hugging me? He carefully removed her hands but she whined and hugged him tighter.

"Tss.. You want me to sleep beside you? Is that what this means?" He positioned himself beside her and smiled. "Just for tonight." He hugged her back and tucked himself in. "Good night, my princess."



"Holy-" I quickly covered my mouth when I saw him hugging me. The heck happened? I thought he was sleeping on the bed?

I poked his shoulder to wake him up but he just grunted and burried his face on my neck. What the fuck is this?! "Yah.. Taehyung." I shook his arm but he's not waking up. "Aish.."

I struggled to remove his arms on my waist and stood up. "Phew." I fixed the blanket that covers him and went out.

"Noona? Aren't you leaving yet?" I turned to Beomgyu who cooked food for himself. "Your shooting starts at eight, right?"

"Yeah, why?" I turned to the clock and found out that it's fifteen minutes to eight. "Shit! Why didn't you wake me up?!" I ran to the bathroom but before I entered he said something very disturbing.

"You and Taehyung hyung looked busy so I didn't bother." B-busy?! I turned to him and he just shurgged and continued eating. He saw that?!

"Ahh!! Molla!!" I went in and took a bath. The nerve of that brat to go inside my room! I thought I locked it last night? How could I forget?

I wore my robe and went back inside my-

We froze upon seeing each other. He was opening my drawer while I was tying my robe to my waist.

"I'll go now- Oh.. Well good luck!" Gyu said before leaving the apartment.

"W-what are you doing with my things?!" He instantly closed the drawer and put his hands at his back. "That's the drawer for me undies.. YAH!!"

"I swear I didn't do anything weird!" I was about to give him a smack when I slipped because of my slippers but he thankfully caught me before I could land on the floor.

For the second time, the both of us freezed in that exact moment. I had no idea why I had to look at his face for that long. He suddenly looked awkward and looked away.

I was about to say a word when I felt his hand pulling the sleeves up to my shoulder then the cloth on my chest closer, hiding that much skin that he must have seen because of the fall.

"I-it was a little bit.. Umm.. I-I.. Your, um.. The robe.. You see.. It's.. I-I.." He stuttered while his eyes were confused on where to look. In the end he shut his mouth and gulped.

"Uh.. Th-thanks.. I guess." I quickly stood up and covered my chest area. "Can you..well.. I'll change-"

"Yes! Yes of course! I'm really sorry." He ran leaving the room and closing the door.

"Shit. Just shit! How can I be so clumsy at that moment?! While wearing this goddamn robe?!" I covered my face and let myself fall on the bed. "Fuck it!!" I just embarrassed myself in front of that innocent babbie! He didn't see anything private-y did he? "Ahh!! Jinjja!!!"


"I need to go home. I need to make a confession. Was that a sin? I didn't see everything though- Ah!! What should I do..?" Taehyung kept walking back and forth, remembering what just happened. "Ani.. Ani, ani, ani, ani.. Forget about it. You saw nothing."

He sat on the couch and covered his face with his hands. "Andwe.. What's happening to me? Why.. Why am I suddenly.. Ahh!! Hyung.. Why am I feeling things? Ani!" He bit his lip and called Namjoon. Taehyung looked really confused and scared at the moment. He didn't know what to do.


"Namjoon hyung! Hyung! I've got a problem.. I'm.. I'm really scared right now. I'm feeling new things hyung.. What is this?"

"What happened? Did you two fight? And why didn't you come home last night?"

"Hyung! Something happened to the both of us and.. And I'm suddenly sweating hard.. Hyung what's happening to me?" He was already panicking. His hands were shaking as if he committed a big crime.

"Something happened? Like what?"

"I-I saw her cleavage, hyung.."

Namjoon suddenly bursted out laughing making Taehyung more confused. "Yah, Taehyung-ah. You've become a man!"

Author's Note:



Hope you like this chap😊💚

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