📎Bangtan's Dorm

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Taehyung kept smiling as he walk on the sidewalk after spending the day with the girl her loves. He's new to it and it seems like she's giving him a chance. He was just shy to ask for confirmation. "I hope she'll continue being like this tomorrow.."

He took out his phone and called his manager to pick him up. Before he could enter his number, he saw a white colored van near the apartment Jennie is staying. He got curious so he walked a little closer and noticed two guys wearing black masks.

"Oh no.. Jennie." He quickly ran back and sprinted to her apartment. "Kim Jennie!!" The door was already open so knew what exactly is going on. "Jennie!" A guy in all black is choking her and she's is trying to break free.

Taehyung got furious and immediately pulled the guy away, punched his face hard making him fall on the ground, unconscious. Jennie suddenly hugged him tight with tears and sweat falling from her face.

"Shh.. I'm here. I'm here, you're alright." He said and brushed her hair. He looked at the unconscious guy and wondered what was their intention and why did it have to be her? "There's more of them. We have to go."

Taehyung knew if they take the common road, the guys inside the van would notice them so they had to take another way. "Where are we going?"

"Away from them." He held her hand and ran to the opposite side. He immediately called his manager to pick them up as fast as he can and stayed inside a convenient store to hide. "Smiley, people might recognize us here." He shook his head and gave her his extra shades to protect her identity.

"Don't worry, okay? I got this under control. Those guys won't find us here. They won't dare to go inside a convenient store." She furrowed her brows and walked closer to him.

"There's more of them?" Jennie asked and looked outside. "What do they want from me? I swear I never did anything illegal except for following your group."

"We'll find out about it. For the meantime, don't go back inside that apartment. They know your address and it's too dangerous to stay there. I'll take you to the dorm. I'm sure hyung would understand."

"You're kidding." He looked at her straight into her eyes as if he's telling her to trust him. "Smiley.. If I stay there then all of you would be in danger."

"The security in our place is a couple times better. You'll be safe there. I can't risk you sleeping in that place after what happened. I can't lose you." Jennie sighed and lowered her head.

Taehyung suddenly pulled her close and hugged her tight. Jennie didn't hesitate and hugged him back. "Thanks for saving me back there, Tae."

"Don't ever make me scared like that." His phone beeped making them pull away. "My manager said he'll be here in five minutes. Those piece of shits won't be able to take you."

Just like what Taehyung said, his van came and they quickly left the place and headed to the dorm.

"Hyung," He called. "Don't tell Bang PD about this, please? Can I trust you?"

"As long as you don't do anything that would ruin your careers. You should be responsible with your actions and think before doing anything stupid." His manager said.

"Thanks." They arrived at the dorm and the members were all startled to see Taehyung.. with a girl. "Hyung." He softly called.

"Yah! Kim Taehyung! What are you doing?" Jin asked, still wearing his apron with a spatula on one hand. "Are you crazy?"

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