📎While She's Asleep

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"Let's get it Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bokjoo!" I sat comfortably on the couch with a box of chicken on my hands. The beer? I'll pass. I have a shooting tomorrow so I can't stay up for long. It's gonna be the end of my career in a span of one month and I can't let that happen.

I turned the volume up and devoured on mah food. Heavenly.

Someone suddenly knocked on the door. I hesitated. What if it's some thief? Or a weird stalker? The person knocked again making me turn down the volume. "Why does it have to be on this perfect moment?"

I tiptoed towards my room to make whoever that person outside think that I'm not home. "Jennie?"

"Taehyung?" I quickly ran and opened the door, revealing him and a backpack. "What the- Bitch, did you run away? Why are you here?"

"Jimin hyung and I had a fight. Can I stay here for tonight? I couldn't bear to see him right now." Is he serious?

"Yah. Does my apartment look like a hotel to you? I, mister, am a girl and you can't just keep on crashing in some girl's apartment."

"But you're my friend. Help me out. It's freezing here." Obviously, it is. Based on his trembling lips and shivering state. "Jen.."

"Ugh..fine. Get in, big guy. Feel yourself at home like how you always do." He went in, dropped his bag and quickly sat on the couch, wrapping himself with the blanket I brought. "Why did you fight with him anyway? You're supposed to be best buddies. What happened?"

"Don't worry about it. He's just being an ass." Jimin's an ass? How did that happen?

I sat beside him and took my box of chicken. "I'm watching a drama right now.. If you don't mind." I turned the volume up again and rewound it to the first part.

"Why are you wearing that anyway?" I looked at my clothes, then at him. "You have no pants or shorts to wear anymore? Are you that broke?" I'm actually wearing an oversized shirt and I didn't bother wearing some shorts 'cause.. I THOUGHT NO ONE'S COMING! Beomie's having some reasearch project in his friend Taehyun's house and he'll be staying there for the night.

"I thought I'm spending the night in this house alone! But then your burden ass came without any notice."

"I don't like to see you wearing things like this. Go change." He ordered before taking my box of goodies. "Now."

"Tae.. You're not some byuntae. It's not like you're gonna peek what's underneath, sheesh. Calm the fuck down okay? It's just you and I totally trust you so there won't be a problem."

"Change." There! There's his glare again! I am so kicking him out of my place.

"Fine!" I ran to my room and wore my comfy pajamas. "Protective jerk." I went back and took the box. "Done. Happy? Another laundry to wash.."

"At least you're secured. One wrong move in that previous kind of clothing and I'll probably see something I shouldn't. I'm being considerate here."

"I get it, I get it Mr. Bossy pants." I took one end of the blanket and covered myself with it too. Before I could grab a chicken, he put his arm around me and pulled me close. Really close. "What are you doing?"

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