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"Yah. Why are you looking at her? Huh?" Jennie glared at the girl in the opposite isle of the bus. "Tss.. Why would she wear clothes like that? Does she want guys to drool over her. Ulch." She mumbled. "Don't look at her." She seriously said with a threatening glare.

"I wasn't. What are you talking about?"

"Ani. I clearly saw you looking at her direction. Why? Is she prettier? Is it because she wears skirts? Yah. I can do that too."

"What? I'm telling the truth. I wasn't looking at her. Don't be jealous Ttalgi. I'll only look at you." Taehyung pinched her nose and chuckled. "Look at you being the protective one this time. Now you know how I feel."

"Why do you have to be so handsome even with a mask? It's gonna be hard for me."

"Just trust me Jen. You're the only girl that I'll love. I'm not gonna leave you for any other girl. It will always be you."

Minutes passed and Taehyung noticed that Jennie was starting to feel sleepy. Her head almost hit the window but he was quick and blocked it with his hand. He slowly laid her head on his shoulder. "Cute." He said with a smile.

Jennie completely closed her eyes and sneakily held his hand. "Wake me up once we get there." She softly said which he replied with a hum.

Seconds passed and the girl from across the isle, stood up while the bus is still running. Taehyung furrowed his brows and looked at her as she approach him. "Hi. I was wondering..can I get your number?"

He cleared his throat and looked away. "My girlfriend is sleeping. Would you mind?"

"Oh.. You two are dating? I thought you were only close friends. But don't worry. She wouldn't know about it. She's asleep." Should I just tell her to get lost? Would that be too rude?

"She wouldn't like the idea of that though. Ask somebody else." He clearly saw her roll her eyes and look away.

In just a few seconds, she suddenly, well, purposely dropped her phone making all the passengers look at her. "Oops sorry. Let me pick that up." She really bended down near where Taehyung is sitting. The people behind her gave a disgusted look and shook their heads in disbelief.

He cleared his throat again and turned to Jennie's side. "Is my Ttalgi sleeping well?" He softly said and hugged her. "Come here. I'll sing you a lullaby."

The girl flashed an annoyed look and stood up. "Whatever." She returned to her seat and crossed her arms.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and caressed Jennie's arms while he hum her a lullaby. "It's okay yeobo. I told you, you just have to trust me." He smiled to himself and kissed her forehead.

Minutes passed and they are almost in their destination. He slowly shook her to wake her up and Jennie started to open her eyes. "We're here?"

"Yep. Let's go." She rubbed her eyes and stood up. "I guess I should've woken you up twenty minutes ago. You seem like a drunk person."

"I'm hungry." She mumbled making Taehyung chuckle. They went off the bus and went inside the restaurant. "Oh? I thought we're going on a trip?"

"Yeah. Food trip. I know a lot of good spots and we're going to every single one of them, starting from here. Let's be a normal couple for a day just like the others. I always wanted to experience this with you."

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