Special Chapter III

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"She did what?" Taehyung seriously asked. He was about to grab the girl's collar but Jimin was fast enough to stop him. "I can't believe you." He yanked his arm away and ran, leaving the classroom.

"Kim Taehyung!!" Jimin shouted and chased him. "Tae!!" He held both of his shoulders to stop him. "Calm down."

"How can I calm down?! They can mess with me but they can't mess with her. Not when I'm here." They suddenly heard thunders roaring. The rain started to pour. "Jennie.. We should go there. Take an umbrella with you. She doesn't deserve this."

Jimin sighed and came back, bringing their bags and left the school. The amusement park is just a few blocks away so they ran despite the heavy rain.

"Where is she?" Taehyung asked and kept looking. Jimin kept chasing him trying to shade him with this umbrella.

"Kim Taehyung, slow down! You won't be able to find her if you're panicking like this! Get yourself together!"

"How?!" Jimin was taken aback and looked at him with worry. "Today's the day I planned to confess my feelings for her but I couldn't even find her! What if something bad happens to her?! What if I was too late? If only I knew what those girls planned to do then this wouldn't happen. I have to find her. They're making her seem like a fool and I hate it."

Jimin had no choice but to follow him. Taehyung searched everywhere for her until he saw a girl in uniform in front of the carousel. He stopped and looked at her. "Who are you looking at? Is that her?"

"Kim Jennie.." She was hugging herself with her head lowered.

"You should go to her." Jimin said. Taehyung bit his lip and took out little string bag from his pocket. "What is that supposed to be?"

"C-can you give this to her? M-my letters." Jimin furrowed his brows. "I can't."

"Idiot. You seemed so brave earlier and I thought you finally had the balls to tell her how you feel. Go on. It's not like she's gonna push you away."

"I.." He looked at her once again then at the bag of letters. "I'm scared." Jimin sighed loudly and clicked his toungue. "Do me favor, jebal."

"My ass. Just go to her Tae. It's alright if you stay silent. You got everything you want to say in there right?"


"She's cold! Aren't you going there to help her?" Taehyung quickly took his umbrella and ran to her. It left Jimin frozen under the rain. "Unbelievable."

Taehyung had the umbrella covering his face as he approach her. He hanged his bag of letters on the handle and stopped in front of her. He lowered his head and held her hand. "What-" He handed her the umbrella and ran. "Wait!" Jennie shouted. She narrowed her eyes and looked at his back. "Smiley.. It's.. Ani. He wouldn't act cowardly like this. If it was him he would've nagged at me."

A little bag caught her attention. She took it from the handle and opened it to see folded papers. She looked up again to see the guy who gave it to her, but he wasn't anywhere anymore.

"Jimin." Taehyung called and panted.

"What happened? Why did you run?!"

"You said it was okay to say nothing! She'll know me eventually. I'm not sure if she saw my face but I hope she didn't."

"Why not? Yah. Do you want her to notice you or not? Go back there! You should've let her see you! Go back!"

"Aishh!!" Taehyung once again ran to the carousel but she wasn't there anymore. "I guess it should still stay a secret. I don't think now's the right time."

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