Chapter 10

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<Yaoyorozu POV>
I have arrived in my castle and I started to miss Shouto.

"Momo!" I heard a voice calling out to me. I turned and saw one of my guards.

"Oh hello Ashido! How are you?" I asked her when she was standing in front of me. "I'm fine! But tell me everything about the prince! I heard you accepted him?"

I should have known... Mina Ashido is my personal guard and she will come with me when I move to Shouto's castle. And the worst thing about her is that she is so interested in romances. "Yeah, I'm going to tell you everything, but first I have to go to my parents and tell them everything..." I told her, noticing how her face grew sad. "Okaaaay... but I won't wait much longer!" she said to me as she walked away and waved to me.

Few minutes later...

Momo is now at the door of the throne room. She thought it was a little strange that there were no guards at the door, but she didn't think much. She opened the door and saw excited and nervous people. Guards were standing somewhere in the room whispering something she didn't understand. Then she saw her parents - her father with his eyes closed and small drops of water flowing from his head. Her mother with her eyes wide open and her hands on the dress she was tugging on. "Mother? Father? What's going on?"

"Oh Momo... there you are..." her mother said softly. Everyone in the room now looked at Momo. "What's going on here?" I asked. Momo was getting scared. What's going on here?? "Momo... I'm going to tell you something now, but you have to keep calm..." her father stopped shortly before continuing.  "...we have been notified by the Todoroki Kingdom and... they are being attacked by the All for One Kingdom..." What "We will try to send troops to help them, but it looks bad..."  What "If we get more information then I will inform you... first go back to your room..." "I see..."

Momo went out of the room and tried everything to avoid crying. Thousands of questions buzzed in her head.  'Is Shouto okay?' 'Will I see him again?' 'Is he still alive?' 'What should I do now?  What should I do now? What should I do now-' "Momo" she heard a voice behind her. That voice belongs to... "Shouto?" she turns and saw Shouto. At first she was overjoyed, but then she noticed something. He was floating in the air and was transparent. "Shouto? What happened to you?" I asked him.  "Momo... I'm sorry, but... I... died..."


"Momo?" she heard another voice behind her. Suddenly Shouto was gone.  "Why are you standing around here just staring in the air?" the voice came from Ashido. "Oh... Just so..." "Okay? Anyway, I heard what was going on... Do you want to talk?" Suddenly she hugged Ashido and cried in her shoulder. She was a little shocked at first, but then hugged her back. "Don't worry Momo... everything will be fine..." she tried to cheer her up again.  "But... what happens if nothing goes well!" "Momo... Come on, we have to distract you! We're going to play something!" she said and Momo nodded. Why did I see Shouto?  What if...

<Todoroki POV>
Shouto was alone against several enemies. They attacked him at the same time, but were quickly done. He found it strange how weak the enemies were.  They are outnumbered, but they are not well trained. While Shouto was thinking, he had killed more and more enemies until he saw someone different from the others. He had black hair and big scars on his face. Shouto immediately felt that he was different from the others. "So we'll see each other again... Shouto.." How does he know me?! "I don't think you recognize me, do you? I am..." "I don't know you and it doesn't matter now! I'm going to kill you!" he shouted at him. He stormed towards him and their swords crossed. Swipe after sword swipe. Shouto noticed. He doesn't have a chance. He was inferior to him. He accepted it. Death. He would die honorably in battle. "Shouto... That's it... You were a disappointment... bye!" he shouted as he swung his sword. Momo... I'm sorry... he closed his eyes and waited for death. He was waiting. But it didn't come. He opened his eyes and saw a broad man with red hair.

"SHOUTO! GET UP IMMEDIATELY YOU ARE MY SON YOU CANNOT BE DEFEATED BY THAT BASTARD!" his father shouted at him. Shouto kissed his teeth and got up again. He watched his father and the black-haired man cross their swords. He saw the two moving their mouths, but heard nothing more.  And then closed his eyes. He passed out. Was he dead? He did not know.

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