part one.

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Amelia Kim never planned on forgetting her first love.

After all, it was her first love and you know exactly what people always say about their first love. How could she have forgotten about all the magic, the way he made her feel, the way her heart would skip a beat whenever he was around her and her very first kiss? At a young and naïve age of 16, she met Nathan and this boy who was once a stranger soon became someone she would never want to forget. 

Their love story was one of the most cliché love stories anyone would ever hear about. Many people were quick to complain about clichés, quick to say how cheesy and idealistic these story lines are. But all of that did not matter to her as she knew she loved clichés. She always talked about how intriguing the ideas of fate, destiny and happily ever after were to her.  It was everything she believed in since the day her mother read to her one of her very first fairy tales in bed when she was a little girl. In fact, anyone who knows her could confidently say that she was a sucker for clichés. So can you imagine her living in her very own cliché story? It was nothing short of amazing while it lasted.  

And so it was natural that she thought it was fate or it was destiny that brought Nathan and her together when she met him at the beach by the sea on a random Tuesday night. It was supposed to be a regular Tuesday night where she would lock herself in her cozy little bedroom to read some of her favourite books for the third time, but the peace and silence she loved so much was soon broken.

Amelia was cooped up in her room, her back resting against the only pillow she had on her bed, as she read her favourite book- To all the boys I loved before. She loved reading ever since she was a little girl. Her mother started reading to her when she was just shy of turning 1 year old. Of course, she couldn't remember much but she knew her mother still kept the very first book she read to her- it was called 'I love you through and through'. The moment Amelia started reading in her own leisure time, that was when she instantly fell in love with it. Words just have a way to her heart, the way they can make someone feel was so powerful even when they were just letters printed on a once blank piece of paper. Reading was the perfect way to escape from reality, just what she needed from time to time. Though it was mostly for when her parents fight. Just as she was getting lost in her own little fantasy world of romance and love, her father's voice boomed like the thunder, breaking her out of her little reverie.

Trust her when she said that she tried her best to ignore the screams and shouts echoing in the living hall. She inhaled one deep breath, furrowing her eyebrows together in concentration as she tried to focus on her book and tried extremely hard to drown out the noise ringing in her ears. But the noises vibrated in her teeth, her bones, pulsing until she thought that the window beside her bed might shatter into a million pieces. She could no longer stand being here. She could no longer stand being in a place that reminded her of all the unhappiness, all the bad memories that she so desperately tried to lock away in the back of her mind. And so, she left.

She had snuck out of her house that night since her parents were fighting again and of course her parents were too busy yelling at each other that they failed to notice it. It was nothing new to her honestly. She thought that she would have been used to it by now and even hoped that one day she could just sit there in her room unaffected. But even after all those years of convincing herself that everything was okay, deep down inside of her, she knew that it was never okay. She knew that all she was doing was lying to herself and deluding herself. And if you knew Amelia, you could say that there was almost zero chance that she would ever find herself being unaffected by these yelling, screaming and crashing.

The sky was pitch black, barely a few stars dotted across the vast sky she was staring at. Her mind was a blank as the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks hummed a quiet and soothing lullaby in her ears, calming her down ever so slightly. The cool night breeze ruffled her long dark brown hair as she let out a loud sigh.

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