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These are new times. New times require new heroes, and new villains. Sonic the Hedgehog's legacy lives on, but he passed on long ago, as well as his team. The only ones still standing are Shadow the Hedgehog, who is who knows where, and Silver the Hedgehog. 

I suppose I found some inspiration from Silver for my experiment, but that went awry. And he was too busy playing hero to care that someone in the alleys needed his help. The city's hero as of four years now, and I his nemesis

I can match him blow for blow. I can send him running with his tail between his legs. The only problem with facing someone like him: he can do the same. And he has. A lot. More than I have to him, and it's increasingly frustrating. But I still take pride in being able to say, "I fought Silver today. And I won." However rare that is. 

I appreciate it sometimes, though. The beatings. It makes me feel normal again. Instead of the monster that I turned myself into. And sometimes I let him go just so that he can come back and beat me again. Keeps me in check. Because if he wasn't there, I would tear this place to the ground. 

But that doesn't change the fact that he still ignored my cries for help. He is praised as the hero, now, and I am designated as the villain. Whatever, I tell myself. 

But what if I had succeeded? 

My original goal was to try and be like Silver. He was a true hero to me, back then. He'd dared to go back two hundred years into the past to fix our world, and he'd succeeded. I wanted to be just like him. 

So I tried to give myself powers. Ridiculous, I know, but I actually thought I could do it. I'd been scraping together crazy experiments since I was eight. This one, I thought I could pull off. 

But I just turned myself into a monster. A crazy, uncontrollable person. Sure, I gave myself powers like Silver, but they were dark, twisted. And I couldn't control them. Not at the time. 

I can now, and most of the time, if Silver's not around to stop me, I terrorize the people. Sometimes I like the attention. 

Other times I just turn around and head back to my hole. 

Silver knows where it is. But he doesn't come and find me. He leaves me alone, and I have no idea why. Why have mercy? I come and kick your butt as often as I dare, and yet you let me live. Why? I think about that a lot. How good hearted he is. He knows he can keep me at bay, so he just leaves me alone when I stumble home. 

Is it too late to still want to be like him? 

For me? Yes. I am too far gone, even in my own head. Even if I was allowed into the civilization, if people treated me like normal, it wouldn't be long before I just went insane. 

Another side effect of the experiment. If I don't use my powers, I go crazy. Telekinesis is linked to the mind, and I altered my mind enough to give myself those powers. Now, to stay sane, I have to use them. Go too long without doing so, and my mind crumbles. Not only would I go insane, I'd take a lot of people with me in the process before we all turn to dust. 

I have nothing else to do anymore than be a villain. I have no choice. I know I did this to myself, that I punished myself, but I still take my anger out on Silver. Why did you have to be so good? So pure? So inspiring? If you weren't, maybe I would have lived a normal life. Maybe I wouldn't be so scared of falling asleep. 

But it is what it is. I chose my own path, and now I have to live it. I'm more scared of going insane than of being a villain. 

And that, as well, is my own choice. 


(Y/n) stared miserably at the food in front of her. She flicked her fingers and the fork lifted off the table, stabbing into the bread. She wrapped her hand firmly around it and lifted the whole thing off the plate, studying it. Who uses a fork to eat a sandwich, anyway? 

She does. 

She bit into it, staring at a crooked picture on the wall. She used her power to fix that too, a dark glow surrounding it. She hadn't gone out to fight Silver that day, or the day before. Or the week before. 

Last time she had, he'd knocked her head against a wall and she'd been suffering ever since. She was gradually getting back into using her powers, which had almost taken down the ceiling while she'd been recuperating. Now she was just using them for little things to try and get back into the groove. 

And when she did, Silver would be in for it. 

She laughed into her bread. Sometimes she hated the hobby, but other times, hearing Silver's voice shouting at her, that she would be sent with her tail between her legs, made her smile. She liked the battle banter, that she got the honor of fighting him. Not everyone got the privilege of fighting someone as prestigious as Silver. 

"Tomorrow's a new day," she murmured, finishing her sandwich. "A new day for both of us. And I'm going to enjoy it." She giggled. "Very much." 

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