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Silver dried his quills and chest fur, sighing in relief at the clean feeling. (Y/n) had gotten out a few minutes before him - he'd heard her get out, grumbling. 

Outside his stall was a bundle of clothes with a pair of boots resting below the rack. Silver picked up the bundle, a message popping up on the wall from a device. "It tends to get cold down here at night. -Kendra." He hummed thoughtfully, looking down at them before unwrapping it. A pair of  leather gloves fell to the floor and he bent down to pick them up, draping the cloth over his arm as he slipped them onto his hand. 

"Huh," he murmured. Fingerless, but flexible. He squeezed his hands in and out of fists a couple times, then took the cloth and wrapped it around his neck, letting the ends fall before placing his feet into the boots. He adjusted them briefly then straightened and headed back out into the chamber. 

"Welcome back," Kendra said. She, a couple of other Mobians, and (Y/n) were already sitting at the table and the cat patted the spot next to her. Silver sat down, looking at the (a/t), but she simply stared at her food. She was wearing fingerless gloves as well and a cloak with a black body suit underneath. 

"Thanks for your hospitality, already," he said. 

"You're welcome, but we never thought anyone else would ever escape," Kendra said. 

"Wait a second," (Y/n) said, looking up at their host. Kendra's ears twitched nervously. "You said you escaped when Fia was taking you to be transformed. She only takes people to be transformed after their spirits are broken." 

"True...." Kendra looked away. "Like I told you. This was a long time ago when Fia was still getting the swing of things. I was one of her guinea pigs, and I was the only one ever to escape. If she see's a flaw in her facility, she works her tail off to fix it. No one ever escaped after me, until you." She closed her eyes. "I thought my spirit was broken. I thought there was no hope. But I saw such a plain opportunity that I had to take it." She pressed a hand to her face. "My sister is probably gone." 

"I don't know," (Y/n) said, sweeping her food off her plate with her powers. "Fia has a sector in her facility where she keeps her 'useless' prisoners, aka prisoners that are too old or can't be broken. Honestly, I'm kind of surprised Shadow isn't there already." 

"Wait, how'd you know about that sector?" Kendra asked. 

"This guy named Toby," Silver said. "Nice enough guy." 

"Who else was down there?" 

"One of my friends, Blaze the Cat, maybe a few others." Silver looked at the cat as her ears lowered again. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't ask to know about anyone else." 

"It's fine. Fia likes to keep things pretty tightly woven and that includes not letting people know where they're going so they can't get out." 

"Yeah, we used the vents," (Y/n) said. She rolled her shoulder. "Nice place." Silver eyed her as she rubbed her shoulder, but when she dropped her hand and continued eating, he dismissed it. 

"You guys are crazy and awesome," Kendra said. "With you here, I think we have a fighting chance of getting into Fia's facility and wreaking some havoc." 

"Yes," Silver said. "If we are going to break into her facility, I think we should go for Shadow and Blaze first. We at least know where one of them is and Shadow could give us a bit of cover while we look for your sister." 

"I want to set as many people free as possible," Kendra said with a new determined look on her face. "No one deserves to be there. Justice must be served to Fia." The cat curled her hand into a fist. 

"Whoa there," (Y/n) said, putting her hand on the cat's arm. "One step at a time. First, we should focus on how to get into the facility, and if we can, by cheating the security so we have a bit more time before we get slaughtered." Silver nodded. 

"What we should do is focus on this in the morning," Kendra said, pushing herself away from the table and standing up. "You two still need more rest on a comfortable bed, which we fortunately have, and a proper meal." She nodded at Silver's untouched plate, which, once he focused on, couldn't tear himself away from as he dug in. "Your rooms are down the tunnel on the left when you're finished here." 

"You're leaving?" (Y/n) asked uncertainly. Kendra nodded. 

"It'll be fine. They're not that hard to find," she said, genuinely confused. The (a/t) sighed and waved their host away. Silver's ears flattened awkwardly and his chest tightened, his breaths coming out quicker. Kendra looked between them, then gave a small shrug and left the room. (Y/n) quickly finished her meal and prepared to leave as well. 

"(Y/n), wait," Silver said, holding her back gently with his powers as he stood up and walked over to her. "Look, I'm sorry. I understand that you're conflicted, but please understand me. You call me precious and pure all the time, which, though I wouldn't exactly use those words, I just don't have it in me to hate someone who I considered my friend!" 

"We're not friends," the (a/t) hissed, though her eyes betrayed her. She shook her head. "Silver, without fighting you, I will die. And I'm afraid, Silver! I'm afraid of dying or I would have been noble before now and gone and just finished the job! But I just can't do it. I'm just too weak." 

"You're not weak," Silver protested, putting his hands on either side of her face. Her eyes widened slightly and her cheeks colored softly. "You're normal, just like everyone else." 

"Except for you," she grumbled. "After all this, I still failed in my goal to be like you!" 

"I'm always afraid!" Silver said, stepping closer to her. Her ears dropped against her head. "I'm afraid of death, I'm afraid I won't be enough, I'm afraid it's no use, and I'm afraid I'll lose the people that are most important to me." He closed his eyes, dropping his hands from her face and taking a deep breath. He opened his mouth to continue when suddenly, he felt a pair of lips against his own. 

His eyes snapped open before he registered what was happening, heat flowing rapidly into his face. Then he closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into him. 

"I hate how you do this to me," she whispered after they pulled apart. Silver opened his eyes halfway, his mouth slightly open. "I hate how you make me feel, how I'm drawn to you." With a small noise, Silver leaned towards her again. She met him halfway, wrapping her arms around his neck and gently stroking his larger quills. He purred softly into the kiss. 

"I'm sorry," she said, pulling away from him and taking a step back. "I just contradicted everything I've been telling you." She covered her face, taking another step back. 

"Don't be sorry," Silver said, moving towards her. 

"We should go to bed," she said, dropping her hands. Silver paused, then dropped his head. "We need to talk about this when we're not feeling impulsive." 

"Of course," he murmured, rubbing his hand across his tingling lips. She gave a curt nod and brushed past him, slipping into one of the rooms. He let out a shaky breath. 

What has she done to me?

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