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The guards threw Silver into a dim cell, snapping heavy chains to the gauntlets. They attached more gauntlets to both his ankles and a thick collar around his neck, giving him about three feet of wiggle space in a corner of the cell. The food would be dropped in through a chute above him, a second chute beside that, and next to him, a very sickly looking (Y/n). 

"(Y/n)!" he exclaimed, carefully moving over to her. The chains were long enough that he could reach her, bending down and shaking her until focus came into her eyes and she looked over to him. Rough cloth wrapped her arms where the beast's claws had dug in. "Are you okay? What happened?" 

"They...." She sucked in a shuddering breath and shook her head, blinking. "They took me to a medical room because I was losing too much blood. They ran some scans and found out something was wrong with me. They're going to have to 'fix' me before they move on." 

"Fix? What do you mean by that?" 

"Fia's little mind tricks won't work on me until whatever else is wrong with me is gone." The (a/t) scooted out of Silver's reach, hugging herself. "Where'd you end up going?" 

"One of my friends is being held captive here," Silver said. "Shadow the Hedgehog. Ever heard of him?" (Y/n) nodded. Silver shuddered. "Well, yeah. Apparently he's been here for two years; she's been trying to break him ever since. I think...I think she was trying to use me, but up until recently, she didn't make a move against me. Probably because she thought you would do the job." 

(Y/n)'s eyes widened. "Wait, Shadow's here?" she said, looking up. "That's why she wanted you! She wanted to do something that would possibly crush Shadow! She was trying to kill you so that she could break him, but now that you're here, she may as well do the same to you!" She slapped her forehead. "I'm so stupid." She glanced at Silver. "Also, you're stupid too. If you'd let me be captured, maybe you could have at least had a chance to stop this lady." 

"What? You're already giving up?" 

"Well, it's not like there is a way out. If she can keep prisoners like Shadow here for years, then she can surely keep me here for months. And by that time, I'll already be dead." 

"What do you mean? Are you hurt somewhere? Is there anything I can do to help?" 

"Yeah, I'm kind of mentally broken already." She sighed. "You don't need to worry about it. Since we're being kept together, we'll both be taken out and we can be taken out of our misery. How far away is Shadow? If he's close enough, maybe he can too." 

"(Y/n), what on Mobius are you talking about?" 

"A black hole. Just a little one, and it'll close after a while." 

"What?! When? Where? How?" 

"Stop asking questions and just enjoy the knowledge that our miserable existence will only last a few more weeks." 

"We have to get out of here! I didn't go back to the past so many times just to have the future destroyed again!" 

"Well, we don't all get what we want." She blew out a breath and hugged her knees close to her chest, the chains on her rattling with the movement. "If you manage to come up with a brilliant plan, go ahead and tell me. But my days are limited." 

"(Y/n), please. I don't understand. How do you know a black hole is going to show up?" 

"Because I am the black hole!" She turned to face him. "I'm a fake, Silver! Fake, fake, fake! Everything about me isn't real! My powers, my essence, my everything! I never wanted to be a villain! I never wanted to go insane! I just wanted to be able to fly like you! I wanted to be able to help people! I wanted to be you!" Silver blinked. 

Synthetic (Silver the Hedgehog x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now