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"Got to get this one right," (Y/n) whispered, taking the needle carefully and placing it against her head. A multitude of wires were tied to it and linked up to a machine that trailed out into the hallway. A machine to give her powers.

For years, she'd experimented with things like this, but nothing quite as extreme as altering her mind enough to give herself telekinesis. But she so badly wanted to be like Silver, to be a hero like him, and to maybe even get him to notice her. He was such a prestigious hero, going back in time to fight with Sonic the Hedgehog and save the future, and the fact that he'd succeeded made it even better.

It was a stupid notion, but she still wouldn't mind being able to help people.

So she carefully inserted the needle into her head and took a deep breath. "Okay!" she called down the hallway. Her robotic helper made a beeping noise to acknowledge her impending command. "Power it up!"

It was dangerous. It was dumb. But it would work. It had to. Except you weren't supposed to do this to your mind. (Y/n) could hardly count the ways it could go wrong, yet she was going forward with it. Show no fear, she thought. Silver wasn't scared. At least, it didn't seem like it.

The machine hummed as her helper turned it on and (Y/n) gasped, squeezing her eyes shut and gripping the counter. Everything went blank. She couldn't think. Then she opened her mouth and cried out. All the glass in the room shattered and her helper's server shorted out, causing him to collapse on the ground, sparking.

Then the machine itself shorted out and (Y/n)'s hand shot up, ripping the needle out and throwing it across the room. She stood up, opening her eyes and stumbling backwards. Then she doubled over and vomited. She could see a multitude of things inside herself before they disappeared and she collapsed on the floor.


When the (a/t) woke up, she wasn't actually laying on the floor. She was suspended in the middle of the room, every piece of furniture in the room suspended with her. It took her a moment to register it, but then she realized what was happening.

"I did it," she whispered. "I gave myself telekinesis!" She flipped upright, then promptly swiveled upside down. "Oops." It took a moment for her to right herself and force her body to land on the ground, looking around in awe at all the floating objects. She gave a triumphant laugh.

Then she groaned suddenly as a cracking headache split through her skull. She gripped her head and heard all the furniture crash to the floor, either splintering the floorboards or shattering upon impact. Something was wrong.

Of course it is, she thought as she opened her eyes and looked around. She had created fake telekinesis and inserted it into herself. How could she not have seen something like this happening? Of course there would be side effects, and almost none of them would be good. She shook her head. She did it. And she should be proud.

She lifted her hands and aimed for a few shattered pieces of glass. She lifted them off the floor easily enough, and a small bit of the headache faded. She did this again and again, lifting more and more objects, and soon the headache was simply a dull throbbing in the background.

"See? It's fine," she breathed as she let everything fall back to the floor. "I've done something no one else has ever done."

And for good reason.


It wasn't long before (Y/n) realized the gravity of her stupid decision. Why on Mobius had she been stupid enough to try and give herself telekinesis? Why couldn't she have just settled on being one of the useless onlookers?

Synthetic (Silver the Hedgehog x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now