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(Y/n) glared down at her stomach as it growled at her loudly. "No," she said. "Tell me you're not hungry, 'cause you're not." She pulled her knees to her chest, hoping that would stifle it. Her stomach groaned loudly in response and she glowered at it.

"You know, glaring at it isn't going to satisfy it." She looked up, squinting at Silver as he walked into the room and set a plate down in front of her. "Now your stomach is the one demonstrating the whale mating call."

"It's more like a lion roar, if you ask me." She dropped her knees and rested her elbows on them, looking up at him. "And...thank you."

"You're welcome." She smiled awkwardly, reaching forward and picking up the food, biting slowly into it. Her insides twisted with hunger, though to be polite and at least keep some of her dignity intact from sitting on the white hedgehog's couch for at least two days doing nothing, she restrained herself from wolfing it down.

"It's okay," Silver said, sitting beside her. "You're feeling a little better, so I understand if you need to eat."

"I have...I have a headache," she said, staring at the food for a moment before biting into it again. "It's pretty big."

"Is there anything I can do for you?" the white hedgehog asked, pressing his hand gently to her forehead. She smiled softly, putting her hand on his arm and pushing it down.

"I'm used to it," she said. "I shouldn't have said anything."

"Are you sure I can't help?" His fingers brushed hers lightly and she turned away, curling her hand into a fist.

"When I'm back on my feet," she said, "things have to go back to the way they were. I'll find this fox lady on my own and you can go back to being the hero and I your nemesis. It just can't change."

"But why?" Silver asked insistently. She glanced at him. "You avoid this every time! I know there's something going on with you that's not just you hating me for some unknown reason! You have a reason, but you won't tell me!"

"'Cause it's none of your business!" she shot back, turning fully to face him. He copied the action.

"Why can't you see that I don't want to fight you?" he said, reaching out and grabbing her arm. She grit her teeth.

"I'm a villain, Silver!" she cried, tears threatening to spill. "Why can't you see that I'm a villain and that I am destined to fight you? This little peace we've had doesn't make sense. It doesn't. You never should have come to my door asking for help. We never would have gotten into this situation. I don't want to be in this situation!" She may have imagined it, but she was almost positive she saw hurt flash across Silver's face.

She took in a deep breath and blinked away the tears. If you'd never come back from the past, become such an inspiration, maybe I would never have cursed myself trying to be like you. She looked down at Silver's hand, now loose on her arm.

"You really made a mistake," she stated. "Saving me was the worst possible thing you could have done."

"It was the least I could do to repay you for saving me." He withdrew his hand, hugging himself and shutting his eyes tightly. "(Y/n), I really don't want to go back to the way things were. I honestly don't think I could. We appear to have a common enemy and I think that we need to work together to get rid of her."

"No," the (a/t) hissed. "I won't let you." She forced herself onto her feet, gripping her middle and groaning in pain. She forced herself upright as Silver moved to help her. "I don't need your help!"

The white hedgehog flinched, lowering his head. "Okay," he mumbled.

"I can take care of myself." She paused, then sighed. "Thank you for the help you've given me already, though." He didn't reply and simply let her walk past him to the door, ears flat against his head. (Y/n) hesitated as she put her hand on the knob, then shook it off and exited.

Synthetic (Silver the Hedgehog x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now