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Blaze was gone the next day. Toby was silent and Silver resorted to crossing his legs as best he could and meditating. He stopped doing that when he said it was giving him a headache. Why, (Y/n) had no idea. 

Fia came early the morning after that to pick up the (a/t) for her little session. "Hold it!" (Y/n) shouted as the guards came in. She kicked one in the shins that came too close and they retreated back a few feet. "Silver has to come with me." 

"No," Fia said firmly without even looking at her. "These sessions are for you only." 

"The only way to truly fix me is for me to fight him. Give me the truth serum. That's the truth." Fia glanced disdainfully down at her. 

"I know what you're trying to do," she said. "If you keep pressing the matter, Silver will be moved to an entirely different cell and your little schemes will come to an end entirely." 

"I won't fight," (Y/n) said. "I don't want to fight your beasts without him, so I'll just let them tear me to pieces." She folded her arms. "Wouldn't that defeat the point?" 

"I could do without your smart commentary," Fia said, grinning. The smile dropped a moment later. "I won't allow it. Silver stays here, and that's final." (Y/n) glanced at Silver, then scooted back towards him. He moved up to her. Fia eyed them. 

"Ah, I see what's happening," she said a moment later, smirking. "You two are in love. I suppose that's what happens when I put you in the same cell together for a little while, and all you have is each other." She puckered her lips. "It's cute, really." 

"Um, no," (Y/n) said, though she didn't move. 

"I suppose it's your turn for a field trip," Fia said after a moment. "I took Silver on that same little trip, though I had to make an extra stop by Shadow's cell." 

"How's it going with him, by the way?" the (a/t) asked. Fia ignored the question. 

"I'll show you the lab after your session today." 

"I'm not going anywhere without Silver." 

"It's not up to you, honey." However, as the guards moved up to (Y/n), Silver stood up, hands in fists. 

"It is," he growled. "Everyone in here has as much free will as the next, and you better see that." Fia smirked, chuckling low in her throat. 

"I appreciate the strong spirit," she said. "But we've only just begun Silver. You think you have your free will, but look around you. If you told that to anyone else, they wouldn't believe you. Not anymore." 

Silver stared at her for another moment before he suddenly yelped, gripping his head. "Silver?" (Y/n) said as he stumbled back. His hands began to glow red and he dropped to his knees, making a noise between a sob and a scream. "Silver, stop!" 

"Knock him out," Fia said with feigned calm. She backed towards the door, her escorting pets getting protectively in front of her. The guards moved towards Silver but (Y/n) pounced on one, kicking the other aside while winding her chain around the guard's neck and pulling tight. 

"Don't touch him," she snarled. The other guard inched out of the way, still going for Silver. Her captive made a choked sound, grasping at the chain. (Y/n) gave a final tug, holding tight for a moment before releasing him and throwing him at the second guard. Her aim was on point on they fell in a pile at Silver's knees. 

"Coward!" the (a/t) shouted, looking at Fia. "Get in here and do the dirty work yourself!" She stood up, lifting her hands by her head. "I dare you." Fia glared at her and stepped in front of her pets. 

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