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Silver slowly opened his eyes, stretching with a low groan. He glanced over and saw (Y/n) sleeping rather ungracefully beside him, her already mussed hair even more so, her mouth open, emitting soft snores while the rest of her body was twisted in an awkward position the white hedgehog didn't know could classify as comfortable.

Carefully standing up so as not to disturb her, Silver walked over to the edge of the grove and lifted off the ground, trying to get a view below. The sun was already halfway up the sky and he could see quite a few scouting groups below them as well as some of Fia's flying creatures. "We need better cover," he murmured. Their hiding place would be discovered very soon. 

He returned to where (Y/n) and saw her sitting on the ground, glaring at him as soon as he came into sight. "What?" he called. 

"You. Saw. Nothing." 

"It's fine! You're just not a graceful sleeper! It's not like we have control over that kind of thing!" 

"I will forever sleep alone." 

"Ummm...what's that saying?" 

"I will forever sleep alone. This little thing where we sleep in the same ten feet of each other, it's not happening again." 

"Are you ever going to get married?" She gave him a look as if the answer was obvious. He cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Right...." 

"One, I'm too good for a man, two, I don't think they could handle me." She flashed him a cheesy grin and his cheeks began to redden. Her expression dropped. "No, but seriously. I'm a villain. If they figured that out, I don't think they'd think twice about having me around." 

"Y-yeah, I'm sure." Silver looked away, rubbing behind his neck. "We should get going." (Y/n) nodded and stood up, running a hand through her hair. 

"I need a bath," she said as she lifted off the ground. "I don't even care if it's in a river filled with snow water. Let's just find some place to clean up." She reached over and ruffled Silver's quills as they lifted off the ground. "You don't look white anymore. And you've got some sort of green goop in your chest fur to top it all off." 

"Not the chest fur again!" Silver groaned, looking down. Yep. She was right. He sighed, turning away from her. 

"What? You don't want me to see you like this?" she teased. "Come on. There's probably some water somewhere up ahead. We have a lot of ground we need to cover to give ourselves some time." Silver nodded and they took off.

They had to stop after at least two hours of flying, already exhausted. "I'm hungry," the (a/t) stated plainly, fiddling with the cuffs of her uniform. "This thing is itchy. I now have a right to complain because there's nothing to eat and I miss my real clothes! Please, and thank you." She sighed and dropped her hands. "I'm tired." 

"Me too," Silver muttered, rubbing his hand down his face. Suddenly, a twig snapped and both of them were on their feet, hands at the ready. They turned to the source of the noise, though the only thing that stood there was a terrified looking cat. Her tail bushed out and she threw her hands up. 

"I'm sorry! I had no idea you were here!" she shouted. She let out a terrified scream as (Y/n) threw her back into a tree, pinning her there with her powers. Silver narrowed his eyes. 

"How do we know you're not working for Fia?" the (a/t) snarled. 

"I'm not! I'm not! I swear on my life! On my everything!" the cat cried. "Please! Let me go! I'll leave you alone!" 

"Who are you?" Silver asked, dropping his hands and putting one on (Y/n)'s shoulder. She didn't react. 

"K-Kendra," the cat said, her voice trembling. "Please, just let me go!" 

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