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A/n: This chapter was written by StarfreezePrime because...why not? It's good. Also, if you like her writing, go check out her Silver x Reader, Unpredictable. It's pretty gucci. The picture is gucci too. His little face. You just want to keep him, don't you?Anyway. Read on!

The talking amongst the little group went on for several more hours, spread out over several more days. They'd looked at every possible angle, every plausible weak point, trying to find the flaws that Fia tried so desperately hard to cover. It was tiring and stressful, but the longer they waited, the better chance the snide fox had in getting her prisoners to break. 

And that was the last thing anybody wanted. There was no way they would watch their friends turn into Fia's mindless monsters. At least, not if they could do anything about it. 

So, currently, the ragtag little bunch was gearing up for their staged break in to the facility. The plan was slipshod and ragged, but the escapees were willing to work with what they had. Send in the people specially equipped to handle the certain traps, and then quickly pass through once they had disabled it. Alarms might go off, but the trick here was speed, not stealth. 

(Y/n) slipped her light-weight black boots over her feet, completing her break-in attire, a protective body suit, her fingerless gloves, and the specialized mask given to her by Kendra. Both she and Silver were wearing streamlined gear, so if it really came down to it, they could use their telekinesis to speed through the facility, breaking out prisoners that way. It was the one plan they didn't want to have to use however, seeing as if it came down to it, it most likely meant that any and all other party members had been neutralized. 

There was little talking in the room as the rest of the Mobians got their own gear situated. It made sense, seeing as one member couldn't hear and another couldn't see. And the tension between Silver and (Y/n) was almost tangible. So clear that there was no way anyone would interfere with it. Least of all the telekinetics themselves. 

Standing up from the bench she'd been sitting on, (Y/n) walked out of the room, grabbing her cloak and sliding it over her shoulders as she headed down the hall till she reached the main chamber where a small bit of food from a previous meal was still on the table. Figuring it would be better to go on a full stomach rather than an empty one, the (a/t) went to grab a roll when another set of footsteps entered the room. (Y/n) closed her eyes, sighing for she already knew who it was. 

There was a moment of silence before the ivory hedgehog spoke. 

"Can we please talk?" he said, practically begging. "I don't want to have to work like this. With this... tension. This wall." He waited for (Y/n)'s reply, but she remained silent, only standing up straight next to the table. "You said to wait until we weren't feeling impulsive anymore, and-"

"You're not?!" (Y/n) cut the hedgehog off, finally breaking and turning to him fully. He looked taken aback by her sudden and sharp tone. She could only look into his eyes, swimming with so many emotions for a moment before she flinched and looked away, sighing again. 

"Because I think I still am," the (a/t) muttered quietly. 


"Still feeling impulsive, Silver," (Y/n) clarified, keeping her eyes on the floor. She huffed a little. "It's wrong... this... feeling. I know that. And I know you know that." She closed her eyes. "Yet clearly we both want it..."

"So why can't we have it?" Silver asked, his voice breaking slightly. 

"Because people will get hurt!" (Y/n) practically shouted. She then grimaced, turning her head away. Silver flinched again at the tone. He was confused, and sad and... angry even.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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