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(Y/n) pulled her gloves on, tightening her gauntlets and rolling her shoulders. "Time to get my butt kicked," she said nonchalantly. Or maybe it was the other way around. Last week was when she'd gotten her butt kicked, so maybe she'd pick up her game. 

"Alright," she said, correcting herself. "Let's go get him." She lifted herself off the ground and over the city, searching for a busy public spot. Silver always came to the public's rescue. What hero didn't? The more people watching, the better. The more terrified they'd be, the more motivated Silver would be to keep her in her place. 

"Who's ready for some terror?" she called out, landing on top of the fountain in the town square. She smirked beneath her mask as the people shrieked in terror and scattered. She reached out and gathered up a cluster, lifting them off the ground.

"Oh, what's that?" she yelled, cupping her ear. "Are you calling for your hero? Not around here!"

"Silver!" a younger Mobian wailed. "Where is Silver?!"

"Good question," (Y/n) said. She singled out that Mobian and separated them from the cluster. "But he better show up before I start dropping you." She tilted her head, temporarily releasing the Mobian and letting them scream before catching them seconds before they splattered on the stones.

"Stop this!" an older Mobian shouted from the ground. (Y/n) glared at him, several loose rocks from the landscaping areas lifting up. The Mobian hesitated. "Please?"

"You're seriously asking me to stop? Gee, you guys need a hero lesson. First of all, less talking, more attacking." She suddenly stopped a rock from slamming into her head, looking at where the projectile had come from. A child.

"So, so foolish," she said, flicking her fingers for dramatic effect. The child screamed as they flew back into a bush, disappearing into a flurry of leaves. "Thirty seconds. Better pray that Silver shows up."

"Put me down!" the young Mobian shouted as she started to lift them up.

"Please! Don't do this!" the rest of the cluster cried.

"Twenty seconds," she announced. "Man, he is taking his time." The cluster continued to sob and plead, but she didn't put them down.

"Ten, nine, eight...." She continued counting until she reached one. "Time's up." She released the young Mobian and they fell with a shriek. (Y/n) looked to the cluster just before they hit the ground.

"No!" a female Mobian screamed.

"Relax. That fall could only have broken a few bones," the (a/t) said. She heard clicking and soft charging. "Ah. The few stragglers who dare to fight." She waved a hand and the sounds stopped with a strangled noise from the ones holding the weapons.

"I'm bored! Scream for me! Give me something to listen to!" she shouted, jostling her prisoners.

"Listen to this!" She ducked as the one she'd been waiting for flew straight at her. She dropped her prisoners, but Silver caught them and set them down before lifting up rocks and advancing towards (Y/n). His feet never touched the ground.

Silver was extremely powerful. Something about going to the past and fighting with Sonic seemed to have made him grow past what he could have if he'd stayed in the future. He could do a whole assortment of things without landing or batting an eye.

(Y/n) came pretty close.

So she lifted herself into the air and broke the top off the fountain, making the water spray in all directions. She hurled it at him, but the rocks suspended in the air suddenly flew and melded together, shattering the fountain top.

Silver split the rock shield apart and started flinging them towards her. She stopped them, but it forced her backwards.

"Get her, Silver!" the Mobian she'd dropped yelled, pumping his good fist. The other was snapped at an awkward angle, and both his legs were the same. She looked away.

Silver suddenly rammed into her and drove her against the side of a building. She puffed, reaching out with her powers and uprooting trees and bushes. Silver noticed these and released his opponent, ducking to try and avoid them, but she simply dumped them on him, supposedly crushing him beneath it.


The rocks shot up, one clipping (Y/n)'s chin as she tried to move out of the way. You're not taking me out this time, she thought determinedly. She spun the rocks around and Silver rocketed up and out of the way. He grabbed a loose tree with his powers and swung it at her, the commandeered rocks flying in her other side.

"Nuts," she said, forming a shield and letting the objects batter it. Silver stopped the onslaught, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Why?" he asked, floating closer.

"That's what villains do," she replied, waving his question away.

"You say that every time!" He pounded her shield until she released it, darting under him and flying through the buildings.

"Get her!" the Mobians below yelled to Silver. She tore chunks off the buildings as she flew and hurled them at the onlookers, saving a few for her pursuer.

"How many buildings can you put back in place?" she muttered to herself, circling around a particularly tall one. "I've heard you can knock them down; can you hold them up?"

She stopped and Silver halted a few yards away from her. The (a/t) tilted her head and put her hand on the building. The ivory hedgehog tensed and she pulled, the building creaking in its foundation.

"No!" Silver shouted. "(Y/n), don't!"

She simply cackled gleefully, gliding lazily through the air. "Have fun!" she called as Silver threw himself at the building. His blue glow surrounded it and (Y/n) pointed two fingers at the building next to it. "On second thought, I'm well aware of what you can do. Ever played dominoes?"

"Don't!" the white hedgehog shouted. He wrapped his power around the building to keep her from toppling it but she simply moved to the next one and pretended to kick it over. Silver stopped that one too.

"Still not sweating?" she called over. "Hmm. Two more should get you working."

"(Y/n), stop!" he cried. "Please! You've got me pinned! Do whatever you want to, me, but leave them alone!"

"Nah. I need you alive," she said.

"Why? Why do we do this every time?"

"In time, you'll see."

"You could take me down! This isn't the first time. Why won't you take the chance when you have it?"

"You wouldn't know," she murmured, tugging on the buildings. She heard the faint screams of the citizens inside, though with a soft cry, Silver stopped them from falling. She glanced back at him, eyes squeezed shut, all four limbs stretched out, fingers straining.

"As a parting gift," she said, lifting all the onlookers on the street off the ground and flinging them up. Silver opened his eyes and gasped, ears pressed flat to his head. "See if you can catch them all!" She snorted, flapping a hand in his direction. "Of course you can. See you next time!"

Then she turned around and flew off, leaving Silver to struggle with her 'parting gift' alone.

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