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"Are you feeling better?" (Y/n) asked once they'd returned from the fly. She'd eventually allowed him to catch up with her right at the end, but to avoid her flying away from him again, he'd kept silent.

"Yes," he said.

"Are you still hungry?" Conveniently, his stomach growled loudly. Again. Sometimes, Silver wished he could use his powers to keep his rude stomach quiet.

"I guess," he said.

"Your whale of a stomach disagrees." She seemed to have forgotten snapping at him earlier, which he was grateful for, but he didn't want to cross any more lines. They landed and she stumbled slightly. Silver reached out to steady her, but she brushed him off. "I'm fine."

"(Y/n)," he said hesitantly as he followed her inside.

"Hey, my head feels better. So what if I'm tired because I was watching over you all night?"

"Thank you for that, but now I should be able to help you, if only you'll tell me what's wrong!"

"Nothing! Once you get something to eat, you should go. We can't keep doing this. I'm a villain, you're a hero. The only reason I'm helping you is because I want to be the one that destroys you in the end. Not some low class gang."

"You know," he said tentatively. "There are some times where you don't seem like a villain."

"There are some times where you seem too innocent to be a hero. Don't judge a book by its cover, Silver." She sauntered into the kitchen and put together something to eat for both of them. She pushed the plate over to him as he approached. "Anyway. Who said it was your business?"

"Who are you, (Y/n) the (A/t)?" he said, picking up the fork. She used her telekinesis to stab hers into her food and lift it off the plate. He blinked at her methods.

"Your nemesis," she said. "It's my job to keep you occupied and instill terror in my subjects." She bit into her food. "Deal with it."


After they'd eaten, the (a/t) made a big show of getting him out of her house. Silver didn't argue much since he knew it would all circle back to her one big point. She was a villain, he was a hero, and it had to stay that way.

"We have a common enemy," he finally resorted to as he lifted off the ground and turned back to face her.

"Oh? And who would that be? Logic?"

"Well, I guess, and whoever that fox was. They didn't seem too fond of you, either. You may end up stumbling on them and they'll do the same thing to you they did to me."

"I say bring it on. The bigger, the better. She better have some sick guns. It'll make her death less dignified."

"You'd kill her?"

"Of course! Anyone who tries to steal my villain glory goes down." Silver paused.

"What if I did that?" (Y/n) hesitated, then burst into laughter, doubling over and gripping her stomach. Silver's ears fell.

"You? A villain? Silver, I'm so sorry. I just cannot see it. You are too precious." His face flushed and he looked away. "Anyway. If you want me to kill you, I can. But I'm waiting for the opportune moment. So get out of my business and go away." She slammed the door shut and Silver sighed. He turned away and flew off.

"I will find out what's wrong with you," he murmured. "And I'll do my best to help you."


(Y/n) walked along the streets, hugging herself to protect herself from the cold. She hadn't seen Silver around since he'd left, and she didn't mind. All his prodding to her origins was making her uncomfortable. It meant he knew something was supremely wrong with her, and helping him seemed to make her mind deteriorate that much faster.

Synthetic (Silver the Hedgehog x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now