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(Y/n) shook her head, shoving her hands in her pockets as she trudged down the streets, trying to judge a plausible place to cause some trouble. Her head was throbbing painfully, and she hadn't even seen Silver since she'd left his residence. 

"Mind if I join you?" 

"Whatever," she said, not even looking at who was asking. A female. Her ears shot up and she looked over. The fox smiled sweetly at her, hands in her own pockets. "You?!" 

"Relax," she said. "We're in public. Attacking you here would expose me." 

"I can expose you," (Y/n) hissed. The fox put her hand on the (a/t)'s arm as her hands started glowing. 

"If you use your telekinesis, it could expose you," she said. (Y/n) gritted her teeth, forcing her powers away. Then something occurred to her. 

"How the heck do you know who I am?!" The fox smirked. 

"I've been tracking you for a long time," she said. "After the news that Silver had an official nemesis, I had to know. I've been looking into Silver for a couple of years, just before you rose." 


"Other reasons that you don't need to know. Anyway. If I could use you to my advantage, I would. For a while, I thought you would kill Silver for me, but recently, I discovered that you were actually holding back from killing him. Your last big attack was proof of that. So I had to try and finish the job myself. 

"And yet! You saved him yet again! And when I tried to kill you so you were out of the way, you slipped out of my grasp." The fox nodded at (Y/n)'s torso. "You're still suffering from those wounds, I see." 

"It's been a while. I'm fine now. It'll be you laying on a stretcher, soon." (Y/n) turned her gaze forward. "Get out of my sight while you can." She glanced sideways but the fox was already gone. She blinked. Who was this lady? What did she want with her, or with Silver for that matter? Reasons that she didn't need to know? Oh, yeah, she did need to know, and she would find out. 


"I am walking straight into a trap," (Y/n) muttered as she flew down to the place where she'd been attacked the other night. It was a poorly handled alley, so it had hardly been cleaned up, and there were some blood stains under where the rocks had been where she'd crushed the mutated beast. 

She put a shield around herself as she investigated the area. The fox's animals were bred somewhere, and she could possibly be hiding in plain sight. Or she could be underground. Either could be plausible. 

She jumped and whipped around when she heard a soft crash from one of the trash cans lining the edges of the alley. She narrowed her eyes and stood up, cautiously walking over to where the sound had originated from. But when she peered around the cans, no one was there. 

"Chaos, I'm becoming paranoid," she said. "Well, not as if I already wasn't." She shrugged and turned back to her investigation. 


Silver peered over the edge of the roof, blowing out a breath. Apparently he'd been so distracted trying to get closer to (Y/n) that he'd hit one of the trash cans and gotten her attention, but he'd gotten out of sight just in time. 

He wanted to help her. He wanted to make sure that she didn't get herself killed trying to hunt down the fox, but he knew that if he tried to openly offer, she would shoot him down and probably chase him out of the investigation, so he thought it best not to bring it up. 

Silver froze when he felt the rooftop vibrate slightly. Lifting off the surface, he turned around, spotting something clambering up the wall. Several somethings. Their long claws dug easily into the bricks of the building, their powerful back paws propelling themselves up towards him. Silver created a wall between them and himself, but couldn't keep back a startled cry as the beasts threw themselves against it. 

"Oh, I knew it!" The white hedgehog glanced back as (Y/n) flew up beside him, landing and enforcing his wall. "Silver, you idiot." 

"Hey! Had I not been here, they would have snuck up on you, anyway!" 

"I was totally expecting a trap!" 

"They're coming from the other side, too!" Silver released his wall and knocked the mutants climbing up from the other side down. "What were you thinking in coming here?" 

"What were you thinking?" 

"Trying to keep you from dying!" The (a/t) shook her head, forcing the beasts on her side back. Silver knocked the ones trying to climb up off the wall repeatedly and they simply resorted to pacing below, howling or screeching. 

"Very impressive. You are honestly more prepared than last time." Both telekinetics turned to look as the fox walked along the roof towards them, two of her pets flanking her. 

"Oh, brother," (Y/n) growled, carefully shifting one hand to create a barrier between them. Silver did the same, still holding the beasts on the ground. 

"You two are quite the duo, I'll say. But I do have you cornered."

"We can fly, you idiot," (Y/n) snapped. 

"I've prepared for that. I had to be prepared for the flyers, so I created some with wings." She waved a hand and two dark flashes darted through the night sky before thumping on the ground next to the fox's two body guards. "See, I need you two." She grinned wickedly. "I'm going to break you, and I'm going to enjoy it." 

"You're crazy," (Y/n) said while Silver's eyes simply widened. "Your plan is insane! And what do you mean by break us?" 

"You'll see." The creatures gave a singular roar and surged forward, tearing straight through the telekinetics' barriers. They cried out and fell to the ground, but had enough strength to try and hold back a few, blocking the others. 

"Don't fight," the fox said, waving her hand again. "It'll only hurt more if you do." 

The flying beasts flew up over their heads, then made a nose dive towards them. Right at the last moment, each of them snatched up one telekinetic, digging their claws into their arms to keep them from fighting back. 

"It's no use!" (Y/n) shouted, struggling against the creature's claws. Silver gritted his teeth and tried to move his hands, tried to pry the claws off, but they only dug in deeper. It'll only hurt more. 

"(Y/n), stop struggling!" he shouted. "This could be our chance!" 

"You're insane!" she shouted over, but her movements slowed considerably. "I sure hope you're right about this, because if you aren't, you could get us both killed!" 

"Yeah, me too." He glanced down and spotted the fox. She tilted her head, then lifted her hand in a farewell before the beasts flew far enough away that she could be seen no more.

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