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Once upon a time there were two boys who both fought in the war but have two different stories to tell and different lifestyles now that the war is over. One is the golden boy and saviour of the wizarding world and the other is a boy who had no other choice than to be a deatheater or he would risk being killed if he chose a different way.

Our story will be starting with the first boy, the boy-who lived then it will switch to the boy-who-had-no-choice.

Harry P.O.V.

I was about to leave for platform 9 3/4, I wanted to get there just as the train was about to leave so I missed most of the crowds. I don't know why I let Mcgonagall talk me into coming back, they make an effort to talk to me but don't really understand anything that's going on in my head. I decide there's no use trying to delay my journey back so I sigh and aparate.

Draco P.O.V.

I didn't want to go back. So many people were dead because of me or my parents. I didn't want to take the dark mark but I had to if i wanted to protect my daughter Abi ((hehe yes that may or may not be me)), She just turned 5 and is scarred from the battle. I told her to stay at home but she followed anyway and stayed in the room of requirements but managed to escape during the one hour break and saw everything, we aren't sure if she realised what was happening but she was definitely scared. Because of Lucius, (yes he's Lucius now not father due to many things but mother and I could finally divorce and disown him) I must take Abi back to hogwarts with me or else she will have to stay with mother but she's been very clingy since the battle so Mcgonagall decided to let me take her with me. "Abi are you ready to go?" I called from the entrance hall

"Yes Daddy!" She called back, her voice dripping with excitement

"Great, bring your things down and then we shall be leaving!" I really didn't want to go back but if I want a job without Ha- I mean Potters help. Just as I was about to chicken out Abi ran down the stairs wearing a pink satin shirt and black ripped jeans with her mini truck of luggage. Abi was the mini, girl version of me with some differences; white blond hair but curly, pale skin but with a warmer undertone and one grey and one gold eye. I sigh at least Pansy and Blaise were going to be there, I grab my luggage, Abi and Abi's luggage and aparate away.

||Time skip to hogwarts express|| 

Harry's P.O.V. 

||TRIGGER WARNING: Abuse flashback||

I arrive on the hogwarts express under the invisibility cloak to avoid people and fans, I stay under it until I find a spare carriage at the back of the train. I cast the strongest locking spell and pull the curtain closed and try to sleep. ||abuse flashback starting now||

Once asleep the dreams that plague me are worse than the real world even though they had happened before and in the summer until I managed to be alone and aparate to Grimmauld place. In my dreams I was pinned to the bed unable to move and was being whipped by a belt, being punched in the head until unconscious by my Uncle Vernon, ||Flashback over|| 

I'm not sure why Dumbles didn't do anything, he knew it was happening I eventually wake up sweating, good thing I had cast silencing charms around me. I sigh and look out the window trying very hard not to drift off again so I don't get the flash backs.

Draco's P.O.V.

I get on the train with every eye on me watching to see what I would do if they even breathed. It's so irritating, everyone thinking you'll hex them if they come within 5 feet of you! Like mate I have a child and I actually didn't hurt anyone in the war I secretly tended to the wounded and helped find the dead bodies, but no-one knows that all they see is my father who fucking caused me to have the child and to take the bloody dark mark. 

Abi and I step on the train, she's soaking in everything and looking around curiously at people and animals, I bought her a cat for her birthday, a black cat with green eyes which she named willow ((Hehe that's actually what my cat looks like and her name)). We start looking for Pansy and Blaise, eventually finding them sitting with 2/3's of the so-called "golden trio" but where's Har- I mean bloody Potter he thought and as if reading his mind Granger says "We don't know where Harry is!" 

"Fine, I don't really care." I say and Blaise snorts, I shoot him a look which if looks could kill he'd sure be dead "But why are we sitting here?" I ask Pansy who goes a little red and Blaise even appears to be turning slightly red, looking around Weasel and Granger do as well. Hmm something's going on I could tell. 

"We felt as though we should truce, you know? The wars over and therefore we should be more friendly." Pansy says still blushing and glancing at Granger, I mean I knew Pansy was in love with Granger for years but I never knew that Granger may like her back. Blaise has also had a thing for Ron since 6th year so maybe something was going on there too. Just as i was coming to this revelation Abi tugs on my sleeve and so I bend down "Who are these people with Aunty Pansy and Uncle Blaise?" she whispers in my ear "Oh, right. Abi this is Granger and Weasel!" I say pointing at them "Granger and Weasel meet Abi, my daughter!" Granger immediately starts asking Abi questions like: How old are you? "5" Favourite colour? "Pink, black or yellow" and so on for about 30 minutes while Weaselbee and Blaise eye fuck each other. Finely the trolley witch comes through and we get chocolate frogs, cauldron cakes and much more which Abi and Weasely ate most of.

Eventually we arrive at hogsmeade and hop in a carriage "What are those horse things?" Abi asks Weasel king gaps and Granger gets tears in her eyes,

"How can she see them?!" Granger whispers urgently

"She snuck in during the battle..." I reply

"She what?!" 

"Yeah.." I scratch the back of my neck "Abi they're thestrals and are very kind creatures that won't hurt you." Abi pats them then hops in the carriage

Harry P.O.V.


I hop of the express under the cloak just to be safe and start to wander onto a carriage that only held Luna, Ginny and Neville who appeared slightly uncomfortable being the third wheel. So I joined them, taking off the cloak Neville breathed a sigh of relief a not being alone anymore with a couple and Luna just said "Hello Harry!" In her usual dreamy voice "How was your summer Harry?" Ginny asked trying to be polite I physically tensed 

||Flashback starting now|| The memories of Uncle Vernon calling me a faggot and beating me to a pulp came back to me after I accidently came out to them and being starved so I could go to hell. ||Flashback over|| 

"I came out to my Aunt and uncle and lets just say it didn't go very well..." I trailed off they seemed to sense something was off so the changed the subject.

Authors note

Hi so this is the first chapter do Y'all like it so far and should i continue with it or should i stop this and write something different feel free to leave any feedback 

-Abi <3

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