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When the 5 friends arrived at school they were reminded of the plan they had completely forgotten about by Remus Lupin. "You 5, Professor Slughorn has informed me that the potion is ready to be used whenever you need it. I recommend you do it now before major exam prep ok?" Lupin said

"Of course! I think we'd all forgotten about the plan with what happened over the break, it was kind of pushed out of our minds..." Harry replied, scratching the back of his neck and the others looked a bit guilty as well. Lupin sobered up after that,

"Oh, sorry i didnt realise. Dont feel bad about forgetting at least now you know. would you like to get started next week?" 

"Yes please..." Draco cut in softly and the others nodded in agreement

"Then i shall let you guys go off to dinner."

They then split off and sat at the 8th year table with neville, theo nott and daphne greengrass. Everyone sat in silence neville and theo conversed and daphne read a book while eating. harry subtly (well as subtly as he could manage) reached for dracos hand under the table and gave it a reassuring/comforting squeeze and draco gave harry a soft smile.

They didn't manage to eat very much at dinner. now you must be wondering where abi is, they (harry and draco) had decided to leave abi with narcissa until exams were over as it would be causing too much stress to be looking after a 5 year old while studying for exams.

"Hey can we go up to the dorm now please?" draco whispered to harry

"yeah of course. I'll just bring a treacle tart with me." So he grabbed  a treacle tart  and they left hand-in-hand.

Once in the dorm, draco broke down into tears right in harry's arms. Harry held him tightly and kissed the top of his head and smoothed dracos hair down, while whispering sweet nothings in his ear.

"I just miss him soooo much harry. He was my brother basically. And now he's gone! Forever! And i know it was smart to leave abi behind with mother but i miss them both but i'm so glad to have you and everything you do for me and i think i fall more in love with you every single day." He then gently pressed his lips against his lovers. The kiss was the furthest thing from perfect but it was the most raw and real one the two have ever shared. There were tears and small sobs coming from draco and harry let draco control the kiss as that was what the blond needed right then.

"can we go to sleep?" draco asked while trying to stifle a yawn and harry kissed his temple. picked his princess up and walked them over to bed in response. Once harry layed draco down he climbed into bed alongside him and pulled the blankets over them. Dray immediately curled into harry's broad chest and the raven haired male wrapped his strong arms around the finer male.

That's also how their friends found them later that night.

A/n- Hey y'all how are you? Long time no see... hehe oops anyways hope you like his chapter i know its not much but the next few chapters are going to be intense so be prepared. (but no angst bc im going to write a slow burn story once i finish this)

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