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Harry P.O.V.

TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of self harm and physical abuse

As I entered the great hall I searched for a certain platinum blond. I couldn't see him I was a bit concerned but was also preoccupied with thoughts about the scars on my arm and people catching a glimpse of them if my robes move up the slightest. I didn't want to eat cause I didn't know if i could stomach it, while I was caught up in my thoughts I hadn't realised that there were 8 tables excluding the teachers table until Hermione called "HARRY!" I sigh and walk over

"Hello guys." trying my best to sound positive, I then realised who was sitting with them "PARKINSON!? ZABINI!?" Where is Drac- Malfoy definitely not Draco what why the fuck do I care if he's here or not... "Why are you guys sitting with us?" I knew that that Hermione had a crush on Pansy since 3rd year and has liked her since so I was happy for her plus they were sitting next to each other so I knew something was happening. Blaise and Ron were sitting basically on the others lap so I KNEW something was going on between them. "We're sitting with them because we have agreed to be civil and hopefully friends!" Hermione answered 

"Rrrright so nothing else is going on?" I asked rigling my eyebrows and smirking, the others blushed

"Draco also agreed to this 'truce'" Hermione said with a smirk at me and it was my turn to blush cause she knew I had a crush on him and had since the day I met him but sadly he said some not nice things and I knew I shouldn't like him but I couldn't help it, I remembered how in 2nd year he was made into a girl for a year; from the very last potions class of second year all the way to April the following year. After that he seemed exhausted and tired all the time and constantly stressed I'm still not sure why and now with the truce maybe I will. 

We ended up eating dinner and listening to Dumblewhore speech (Yes he faked his death, turning one of his brothers goats into him) but I didn't pay any attention even Hermione didn't after I told her what he put me through. Only Ron didn't know as I didn't know how he would react to his hero being evil and manipulative

Draco P.O.V.

As soon as Abi and I made it back to the castle we decided we would go up to the common room to avoid any stares that may come. We didn't actually know who we were rooming with so we hung out in the common room, Mcgonagall had told us where the eighth year common room was. I called a house elf to get some food and we sat there eating it while Abi rambled about how nice "Aunt 'Mione" is and how she hopes Aunt Pansy and Aunt 'Mione get married, I nearly spat out my drink at that but found it amusing that a nearly five year old could see the chemistry Pansy and Hermione held.

I could see Abi becoming tired so I found a blanket and wrapped her up and put her in a quiet corner near one of the many fires. Once she was settled i sat on a couch and read a book. An hour or two must have passed as I could hear voices growing louder and waited for them to enter. About thirty seconds later they enter the common room with Mcgonagall in the lead "Ah Mr Malfoy, how good to see you've joined us." She said in her no-nonsense voice which if you didn't now her you would think she was being sarcastic but since she gave a small smile I knew she was being serious. 

I could feel a pair of eyes on me,  burning into my back I looked around and the person looking at me is the last I thought it would be. Once I started looking around I locked eyes with Potter, I tried to hide my surprise but he quickly looked away sheepishly and blushing? Why was he blushing when I caught him staring I hold back a sigh and begin to listen to Mcgonagall.

She began announcing room-mates "Miss Parkinson and miss Granger, room 2." Pansy and Granger made their way to their room talking in whispers and blushing like tomatoes. I roll my eyes and continue listening "Mr Zabini and Mr Weasley, room 5." I see weasels eyes widen in surprise and Blaise try to stay calm but its easier for him to contain his blush under his chocolate coloured skin. I try to listen but as time goes on I start to wonder who I'll be paired with when eventually I hear

"Mr Malfoy and Mr Potter, room 1" I gasp, how will the saviour of the wizarding world react to being roomed with a death-eater? I mean sure I was forced to take the Dark-mark to save my mother and daughter but no-one would listen to that. I look at him and he offers a small smile then turns and goes up stairs. "Mr Malfoy can I have a word?"

"Of course professor."

"As you now know you are rooming with Potter and you have a child, have you not?"

"Yes Professor."

"Have you told Potter this?"


"Well he's bond to find out sooner or later. Speaking of where is your daughter?"

"Oh right! She's sleeping by one of the fires!" I say pointing "I should go and put her to bed now... Goodnight professor!" 

"Goodnight Malfoy." She replied a small small played on her lips

 Harry P.O.V. 

"Mr Malfoy and Mr Potter" I hear Malfoy gasp, I'm shocked but welcoming the opportunity to make friends and maybe even more once he trusts me, I've always been a top except in the relationship with Cedric and I had actual feelings for him, Ginny and Cho but Drac- MALFOY was always in the back of my mind hence the fact I class as Bi-sexual. In my short relationship with Cedric I was always a bottom until he developed a crush on Cho...

I headed up to the room before Malfoy did since I didn't want to disturb him as he seemed stressed and scared about it. I caught his eye and offed a small smile then made my way upstairs I heard Mcgonagall ask Malfoy to stay behind but I kept walking to our room. 

It was the closest to the common room I wasn't sure why but it didn't bother me. I walked in and noticed my stuff on the bed closest to the window at the far end of the room but it was also closest to the ensuite. I quickly changed what I was wearing into a pair of silk Pjs. I then hopped into bed, took my dreamless sleep potion and faster than it took to change I was in a peaceful dreamless sleep

Draco P.O.V.

I carried Abi up stairs but thankfully our room was closest to the common room which was good as it meant I didn't need to carry her very far. I went into the bedroom and saw Potter already asleep in the bed farthest from the door but closest to the bathroom, I put abi into the smaller bed beside mine she stirred but immediately fell back to sleep. I changed into my slytherin green silk pajama set took a dreamless sleep potion and slipped into a world of sleep.

A/N So this is kinda a surprise upload cause i plan on updating every sunday (sydney, australia time) and then maybe 1 other day that. leave any feedback and maybe vote? and next chapter is when Harry meets Abi so stay tuned for that :) 

-Abi <3 

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