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Draco woke up to the birds chirping. He was going to roll back into harry but as he buried his head into harry's chest, he felt harry's chest rumble with a low chuckle "Good morning princess! Happy birthday." He said his voice deep and groggy due to the fact he had just woken.

Draco lifted his head and smiled as harry kissed his forehead "Thanks mon cheri. What are we gonna do today?" 

"Well I'm going to take you out to lunch at a muggle restaurant and treat you like the princess you are then when we get back Pansy, abi and you will be going to have a nice dinner since i have a surprise to get ready with help from your mum, hermione and ron."

"But i wanna spend the day with you!" Dray pouted and harry laughed

"Sorry baby but you'll love the surprise."

Draco huffed "fine."

"I love you!" Harry said and kissed Dracos nose

"I. love. you. too." Draco said 

"I know." Harry then pulled dray into a slow kiss when they pulled away harry said "If all goes well tonight we'll do something of your choice?" 

Draco smirked "You just gave me a lot of power... but ok if you say so!" Harry gave a low chuckle

"Of course princess, anything you want."

"Can we just lay here until we need to get ready?" Draco asked

"Yeah, lets do that." Harry replied softly, smiling down at the blond and ran his hands through the fluffy blond hair.

They two layed and chatted for a while until harry decided they needed to get ready for lunch. 

"Hey baby, i um i got you something for your birthday and i thought you could wear it to lunch... Well um anyways i'll just let you open it." Harry then handed draco a squishy package. Draco opened it and found a white, silk shirt and gasped

"Thank you harry! I love it!" He then pulled his boyfriend into a rough kiss but harry pulled away smiling

"I said after dinner princess."

"Ugh fine, let me change my shirt then we can leave." Draco took off his current shirt and put on the silk. The two men left the school in quite stylish outfits ((See bottom of the chapter for them)) and took a portkey to a fancy muggle restaurant. 


Throughout dinner they talked about random things and harry made draco laugh until he nearly fell off the chair he was sitting on and vise versa. They talked about the plans they had for after graduation, like holiday destinations, how they will spoil and how they will be teaching together.

The two finished up their meals and when drao thought they were about to leave, two tiramisu's came out (Draco's favourite dessert) and they demolished it then harry paid the bill and they left.


"Ok so... What are we going to do?! I'm stressing! Narcissaaaaa!" Harry yelled running to find her. When he bumped into her, literally, he nearly burst into tears "Narcissa, what if he thinks i'm rushing this relationship? What if he doesn't want to marry me? What if by the time i propose he's found another guy? What if-" He was stopped by a gentle hand on his arm

"Harry, dear, he is going to say yes. He's been head-over-heels for you for years. I remember when he would talk about you all the time. He will say yes, don't even worry about it. Now take some deep breaths." Harry let narcissa's words sink in and took some deep breaths "Good job now let's go to the room of requirement and get this sorted."

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