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Third P.O.V.


Saturday morning Harry and Draco awoke to snow falling delicately outside. Even though it happened every Winter Draco had never really appreciated how beautiful it is. He was looking forward to the day ahead of him as he and Harry were going to have a nice lunch date, while Abi would be with Hermione and Pansy exploring until the date was over and then we would split off, Draco with Abi, Hermione and Pansy while Harry would go with Ron and Blaise. 

Draco continued laying in bed waiting for his boyfriend to wake up. While waiting, he was thinking about the next day (which is christmas). He was wondering whether Harry will love his present or not. He didn't have much time to worry about this since his raven haired boyfriend had started to stir.  The flaxen male rolled on top of the raven boy and started to pepper his face with kisses to wake him up fully. When Draco kissed Harry's lips he knew his boyfriend was awake even though his eyes were closed 'cause the raven haired boy smiled into the kiss and kissed back. Draco pulled back and Harry pouted "Sorry love but we really should get ready. We'll continue this later." He said with a wink and Harry chuckled

"Of course princess." He said then they got up and started getting ready for the day ahead. 

Time skip to 3 broomsticks for lunch

Harry and Draco arrived at the three broomsticks for lunch. Madam Rosmerta came over, gave Draco a suspicious look but looked down at his hand entwined with Harry and gave them a warm smile "I see you've found someone Mr Potter." She said and Harry blushed a little under his olive completion

"Yes Rosmerta, I have!" He said proudly and that make Draco blush as well.

"Well, I'm very happy for you! Go take a seat and I'll be there in a minute." She said, so Draco and Harry went and found a table in the corner with nice cushioned seats and a christmas tree next to it. The whole setup was very beautiful, there was fake snow falling down, magical mistletoe above every table which would trap you and a person you have a romantic connection under until you kissed and there were Christmas trees everywhere!

Since there was mistletoe above every table, Draco and Harry were caught underneath it. They looked at each other and blushed a little. Harry leaned in and gave Draco a soft, lingering kiss then pulled away leaving Draco pouting and Harry chuckled "Later Princess." He murmured causing Draco to turn even redder. 

A few minutes after Rosmerta came over to ask for drinks. They both chose a butterbeer, even though they could drink firewhisky it was only lunch after all. Their drinks came and so did their meals. They talked about random things like how soon they would be able to get Dumbledore arrested for everything and even the Dursley's might be arrested as well. It was nearly the next full moon which meant Lupin will be transforming and the better news was that the Veritasium would finally be finished! Even if they still had to wait 2 more weeks until it was fully ready and probably another week after just to make sure Dumbles wasn't suspicious. 

"Hey love?" Draco asked kind of interrupting

"Yes Dray?" Draco turned red at the nickname but continued

"Can I ask you something?"

"I mean you just did but sure." Harry said chuckling at the way Draco rolled his eyes and pouted

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