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Sorry but I love this photo and I cackle everytime I read it


After Harry stormed out of the office Dumbledore was coming up with an idea. An idea to somehow slip Harry a love potion so he will fall in love with Ginevra Weasley. "Blinky!" After he said that he heard a pop. "Professor Dumbledore! What can Blinky do for Professor Dumbledore?!" She was cleary honored to do a job for the headmaster

"Could you get Ginevra Weasley for me and bring her here?"

"Yes Professor Dumbledore! Blinky would be honored!" And with that there was a faint pop and Dumbledore was left to his thoughts. It isn't that he's homophobic, he's gay himself but him and Molly had an arranged marriage! He knew that if Harry found out it would change everything. But clearly Harry has finally learnt how to think for himself! It angered Dumbledore, he put Harry into a house with his relatives and what did Harry do? Complain and make up stories to McGonagall about these so called 'Scars' from Vernon and how dare Harry accuse his own Uncle of rape! When these people have looked after him for so long! Otragess! But soon after these thoughts were interrupted by Ginny Weasley walking 

"Hello Professor." She said warily

"Hello Ginevra, Lemon drop?" She shook her head no "Ok well, I need you to slip Mr Potter a love potion so he will fall in love with you! This needs to be done!" He asked the young girl, but she seemed hesitant to agree but did in fact 

"Of course Professor."  She said through gritted teeth then left. She really didn't want to do this. It would ruin everything between her, Harry, Hermione and even Ron probably. If she wanted Harry to fall for her she didn't want to force him since she just wanted to date Luna anyway!

So off went Ginny to warn Harry about what was gong to happen to him later that night. She soon found him talking with Draco and they seemed to be heading somewhere 'Odd' Ginny thought but went to talk anyway. "Harry! I need to talk with you!" He sighed

"Whats up Gin?" He asked Draco beside him

"Dumbledee wants me to give you a love potion so you fall in love with me! But I'm over you anyway! I want to date Luna!" She rushed out quickly, while Harry and Draco's jaw hung open

"He what?!"

"You like Luna?" Draco and Harry answered at the same time

"Ok Draco, yeah he wants me to do that but I don't want to! And yes Harry I like Luna why are you surprised?"

"Cause- Nevermind. Anyway so are you gonna slip me the love potion?"

"No, but you'll need to act all over me instead... and I'll ask George for a fake love potion. Gotta go write that letter bye!" Then she ran off

"Well that's good to know... But let's go to the room of requirements first then deal with this." Draco said 

"Yeah, ok!" The raven haired boy said. The two scurried off to the R.O.R. Once they arrived Harry paced in-front of the room 3 times thinking of a cozy place good for talking and soon the doors appeared and they walked in Draco a bit more hesitantly than Harry "Hey it's ok Dray." Harry said, cupping Draco's face in his hands, "I know it's tough to be in here after everything that happened but know that I don't blame you and no one else does. And make sure that if anyone starts to bully you, you tell me who and I'll tell 'em to back off! Ok?" He asked the last part softer than the other and Draco just mumbled his agreement "Excellent! Now let's play a game! Only problem is what should we play?"

"We could just ask each other questions?"

"Yeah ok!"

"So Harry, last time you cried?"

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