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Time Skip: 1 month ahead


This past month Harry and Draco continue to hang out in the room of requirement and Harry had trouble not kissing Draco. Like they both promised Harry showed Draco the drawings he'd completed so far, and he had started a new one: A picture of Draco when they're in the R.O.R! Draco had also sung a song for Harry it was a beautiful song They had become close over the past month and were becoming closer physically as well. The two trio's had begun plotting Dumbledore's end and it's quite ingenious. 

Third person


Harry and Draco were sitting in the room of requirement. Draco was reading a book and Harry was sketching him but in a world of his own, today he was going to ask Draco out. They were sitting in comfortable silence until Draco broke it "Harry?" The raven haired boy gave a hum in response "Can I see the picture?"

"Sure... Just one second-" Draco snatched the book out of his hand "Hey!" He whined

"Come and get it!" Then the blond boy took off and obstacles were appearing out of nowhere which made the raven haired boy slow down but eventually he caught up to Draco. When he saw Draco he pounced on him and they were rolling around on the floor laughing eventually Harry was on top of Draco. 

They both froze and turned red that's when Harry got some of his gryffindor courage and lowered his forehead down to touch Draco's then just as he was about to kiss the boy below him he asked "Is this ok?" The blond replied by kissing him in response. Their tongues begun wrestling for dominance, soon Harry won and started exploring the inside of Draco's mouth. Draco let out a moan as Harry started trailing his skin in little love bites. They took off their shirts (ONLY their shirts), Harry stopped for a moment to admire the man in front of him, a look of awe visible on his face and Draco blushed from Harry's hungry gaze. 

Harry continued to make love bites all over Draco's torso but stopping once he saw the scars left from 'Sectumsempra' and felt horrible, as though reading his mind Draco said "Hey don't worry I'm ok!"

"But you may not of been! And I did this to you! And there's scars over your chest because of me! They look as bad as the ones..." Harry trailed off  "Nevermind. The point is I caused permanent scarring to you."

"Oh Harry," The blond boy lifted the Raven haired male's face to look at him "It's ok, I don't blame you ok? I never did. I know you didn't know what that spell did, and you're clearly sorry about it please don't worry."

"Fine but it doesn't make it alright that I did that to you." He replied and the blond just sighed

"You're really stubborn aren't you?" He chuckled

"Maybe a bit." After that he snogged the hell out of the other male. When they eventually pulled away for air and just lay on the floor, wrapped around each other and Harry's mind racing "Hey Draco?" He asked, Draco just hummed in response "Well, I was thinking back to Abi's birthday and I was um- gosh why is this so hard? Anyway I was wondering wouldyouliketobemyboyfriend?" He asked rushing the last part out, the blond chuckled

"What did you say Harry dear?" He asked smirking slightly, Harry just took a deep breath and asked again

"Draco, Will you be my boyfriend?" He said, Draco didn't respond for a bit "Could you say something? Of course if you think we're rushing I can wait but- uh sorry now I'm rambling. But please say something." Draco just chuckled

"Of course I'll be your boyfriend Darling!"

"Hey! If I get a pet name so do you! I'm calling you princess!" He said

"Fine." He said huffing indignantly then his face broke into a grin "We're officially dating! Oh my gods!" Harry chuckled at his boyfriends antics and his face now mirroring his

"Yeah we are!" Then he kissed his boyfriend with an intense passion searing through both men. They continued to make out for a bit longer but not doing anything further then that as they have never done anything like that before so they were waiting. They soon decided to pack up and go and hang out with the others. 


Harry and Draco caught up with the others holding hands "You did it!" Hermione and Pansy yelled at the same time while Ron handed Blaise 5 galleons 

"You couldn't have waited till tomorrow?" Ron asked

"Nope!" Harry responded

"Rude!" Then they all burst into laughter

"What's this about?" Ginny asked coming up behind them with Luna

"Ron lost a bet about when Harry and Draco would finally get together!" Pansy said enthusiastically and Ginny started to laugh as well

"Ooh congratulations Harry and you too Draco! I see the wrackspurts have finally left, there were so many before you two got together!" Luna exclaimed, Harry and Draco thanked her while the others (Save Ginny) exchanged looks.

"Ok, now we should start putting our plan into action..." Pansy said. 

They were discussing how they could get Lupin ((Oh yeah, this is an AU where Lupin survives and teaches DADA again)) to help Mcgonagall become headmistress and get Dumbledore taken to Azkaban. The plan was to make Lupin teach the students Occlumency to make Dumbledore not be able to read thoughts of people he'll try to manipulate. Since Lupins the Defence teacher it made most sense for him to do it. He was also part of the order until he found out what Dumbledore was like and just pretended to trust him. Mcgonagall also became infuriated by Dumbles behaviour and had begun sticking up for herself which was good. Harry had also asked Slughorn to brew Vertasim, Harry was his favourite student after all so Slughorn didn't ask why thinking it was a harmless prank, so he begun brewing. They only had to wait for a lunar cycle then they could get Dumbledore arrested.

A/N- Hey Y'all

I know this chapter isn't very long but they are some important details! I think I'll have a sequel to this book. I wanna get to 20 or so chapters maybe 25 idk but I want to make this story fluffy and whatever maybe some smut idk. Once dumbles gets arrested i think there'll only be a few chapters after since I really want to make a sequel since i have some good ideas for it! 

I'm going back through and editing things to make sense with the newer chapters so yeah

-Abi <3

i have a bff called isabelle and she is engaged to chris evans! 

But not actually and she wrote that sorry!

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