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Flash forward 2 months since graduation aka july aka the full moon

"Oh my gods! I'm getting married!" Harry exclaimed getting a bit teary eyed at the thought as he put his suit on "Hermione I feel sick! What if Draco says no?!" 

Hermione sighed, they'd already gone through this twice! "Harry love, He's not going to say no when he's literally planned this! He's just a bit anxious about Roy crashing and marking him and turning him into a werewolf! Hence the fact we've put wards all over the manors garden! He is head over heels for you and lets his child call you Papa! He. Is. Not. Going. To. Say. No!"

"Thank you hermione! What would I do without you?"

"You'd be dead."

"Rude! I-" He was cut off by Ron who told him he needed to make his way to the front of the garden now since all the guests were arriving.

When Harry arrived at the front of the garden he started chatting with Ron and 'Mione about how lucky he is and went over his vows until he heard music start playing and in walked Pansy, soon after came Abi throwing green, white and black petals and when she came to the front everyone stood and waited as Draco walked down the aisle with Narcissa. Both with glassy eyes and Harry could only see Draco, his eyes were wet too.

Kingsley went through and said everything until it was time for the vows Harry went first 

"Draco, I love you.I know we haven't had the best past relationship but you have brought such joy to my life. Thank you for loving me as I am and taking me into your heart. I promise to walk by your side forever and to love, help, and encourage you in all that you do. I will take the time to talk to you to listen to you and to care for you. Through all the changes of our lives/ I will be there for you always as strength in need, a comfort in sorrow,  and a companion in joy. Everything I am and everything I have is yours now and forevermore. This is my promise to you.

I give you this ring. Wear it with love and joy. As this ring has no end, neither shall my love for you." Harry then placed the ring on Draco's finger 

"Harry, I wish I could stand up here and promise you the world, but the world isn't mine to give. What I do promise is my world, and all it entails. My love, support, passion, compassion, and enthusiasm.

I wish I could promise smooth sailing, but the winds aren't mine to control. What I do promise is a ship built to carry you to safely, and sails to weather any storm.

I wish I could promise you forever, but someone infinitely great than I already has. What I do promise is every second of this time sliver of eternity I've been blessed with.

I wish I could promise to always be as roguishly handsome as I am today, but, well ... On second thought, have you seen my mother? Maybe that's a promise I can keep.

I can't even promise I'll never hurt you, because even the best of intentions sometimes fall short. What I do promise is to always reach for you over my pride; to hold you, to heal you, and to seek forgiveness." Draco then slipped the ring onto Harry's finger

"Do you Harry James Potter take Draco Lucius Malfoy to be your lawfully wedded Husband?"

"I do."

"And Draco Lucius Malfoy do you take Harry James Potter to be your lawfully wedded Husband?"

"I do." 

"Well you may now kiss the groom!" Kingsley exclaimed but just as Harry pulled Draco close there was a disturbance in the wards 

"I will find you Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter you Cannot hide from me forever!" A deep, rumbling voice exclaimed, clearly using a sonorus charm and Draco paled and pressed his face into Harry's chest

"This cannot be happening..." Draco said

"Who is it?" Harry asked

"Roy Greyback." Draco replied...

A/N- Mwhahahhahaha cliffhanger but yall will have to wait until the sequel to find out what happened! How do yall enjoy the book? Let me know! I'm starting another book now i'll try and get the first chapter out :)

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