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A/N- Sooooo some of y'all are abouta be real mad at me.... Sorry i havent updated in ages but i had a huge assignment due and it took 1 and a bit terms then a close family friend passed which took a toll on me and Ive been sick and had to get tested for 'Rona but i havent got it so I'll try and update more but sorry if i dont as im in term 3 which means loads of assessments.

 Also this story is gonna have a big discovery in it which ive wanted to include for ages but completely forgot about...

Third P.O.V.

Harry and Draco woke up with sunshine beaming in through the giant, glass windows. Draco rolled over and decided to get up but Harry grabbed him and pulled him back into bed. "No, you are not getting up yet!" Harry whispered, his voice hoarse from just waking up, Draco chuckled "Darling, I have to get up, and so do you! Come on let's get breakfast, I can smell it." So Draco made his second move to escape and harry decided he would get up as well since being in a bed alone sounded miserable.

Harry and Draco made their way downstairs and saw Abi babbling about something to Pansy and Hermione who both had marks on their necks which they were both trying to hide but some were still peeking out. "Looks like you two had a fun time last night..." Draco said smirking

"I don't know what you're talking about Draco darling!" Pansy said and draped a hand over her forehead

"Well I think 'Mione does!" Harry said who then doubled over in silent laughter when Hermione blushed a dark crimson 

"Don't talk about such vulgar things in front of Abi!" Narcissa exclaimed, walking into the room, picking up a giggling Abi and clamping her hands over the small girls ears and leaving again

"What were wey tawing abouw Grandmama?" She asked confused and Narcissa laughed lightly,

"Don't worry princess you'll understand one day." Narcissa stroked her head when suddenly the small girls hair changed to being brown with streaks of blonde to mirror her grandmothers. "Oh right I should let your dada know your appearance has started changing." 

In the Rosier family it was common for the next female to be born a metamorphmagus and since Abi was the newest female in a new Rosier generation, so since Abi is the first female descendant from Narcissa she got the metamorphmagus genes.

Narcissa walked into the dinning room again with Abi and everyone gasped. "Woah, woah, woah! Abi inherited the metamorphmagus gene?!" Draco and Pansy exclaimed, Harry was cackling while Hermione sat there looking confused

"How does that work? Draco isn't a-" Hermione was cut off by Narcissa, draco and pansy all saying


"Well you see-"

"It's-" They started laughing

"You go mother you'll do a much better explanation than me or pans." draco said 

"In the Rosier family line every second generation the first female is always a metamorphmagus. So my mother was a metamorphmagus and that's why andromeda, bellatrix and I aren't but Nymphadora, my niece and draco's cousin is. Obviously dray isn't a female so that's why he isn't a metamorphmagus but abi is since she is my first female descendant. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah it does! It's so cool!" harry exclaimed

"Can I read books on it?" hermione asked

"Of course, there should be some in the library. I'll show you to it now if you'd like?" narcissa offered

"Yes please! Pans would you care to join me?"

"Yeah sure I'd love to." So narcissa took the two girls to the library so they could do some research on the family tree, while harry, draco and abi stayed in the dining room eating waffles. Abi obviously had hers with chocolate syrup, ice-cream and strawberries, draco and harry had lots of different berries, maple syrup and whipped cream.

"So abi you can change your appearance?" Harry asked and in response abi changed her hair to be half black and half blonde, and made her one golden eye ((I say gold bc remus has amber eyes and i dont want to associate the icon with the dude who r*ped dray)) turn an emerald green, the exact same colour of harry's.

"I can't turn my entire hair a diffewen colour yew..." Abi pouted

"hey it's ok princess. You just need to practice." Draco said walking over to her, kneeling down and cupping her face with my hands and Abi giggled while Harry wiped away her tears.

"Now finish your breakfast before your grandma gets back!" Harry exclaimed. So Harry and Draco went back to finishing their food along with abi. 

when Narcissa came back after showing the girls to the library she saw abi trying to change her hair fully black but could only manage to turn 3/4. Abi had also managed to make her hair fully straight and go half way down her back. Narcissa started clapping and Abi, draco and harry turned to look at her. Abi ran over and jumped at narcissa, who picked her up "Look Grandmama I can change my hair now but it swill isn'w going one entire colour... But wit's okay!" She then changed her hair blue some staying blonde but it seemed like she would make improvement eventually.

Pansmione P.O.V.

Pansy and Hermione were looking up as much information as they could so that Hermione could wrap her head around it. Pansy was trying to find something to help Abi transform her hair to the full colour she wants. "Aha!" Pansy shouted making Hermione jump

"Be quieter next time hun!" Hermione scolded

"Sorry," the other girl said sheepishly "but! I've found a book that will help!"

"We found something!" Pansy shouted running into the parlour that the others had gravitated toward...

A/n- Cliffhanger muhahahaha sorry i'll be updating more recently now its only 1 week left till holidays and i only have 1 more assignment!

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