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"Hey! give me back my book! Harry potter i will owl mrs wealsey and tell her all the bad things you've done this year!" Draco yelled after Harry who had snatched the charms book out of his boyfriends hands as he wasn't getting enough attention. HArry was laughing and running through the library trying to out run draco but slowGed down so draco could tackle him to the floor.

By the time draco caught up, harry was just outside the library and draco ran and jumped on his boyfriend's back. They rolled around and draco was on top of harry "Wheres my charms book?" draco asked while tickling harry, while harry squirmed draco asked again "where is my charms book?" And after that harry flips them with laughter, love and a bit of lust in his eyes,

"You my darling draco are something else, and i love it so-o, i will tell you. Its back at the desk you were at i just put it down on the table but now that ive got your attention can we go back to the dorm and do stuff?" harry suggested

"Depends what sort of stuff." Draco replied with an elegant eyebrow raise

"Well, you'll just have to find out." And with that Harry rolled off draco, stood up and offered his hand to draco so he could help his blond lover up. Once draco had taken the ebony haired male hand, harry ran off while holding dracos hand.

Kinda a bit of smut...

When they reached the dorm room, harry pushed draco down on the bed and tied his the blond's hands above his head to the bedpost and dragged his lips into a heated kiss. "I know you have a bondage kink love. Don't worry I'll take care of you baby." He pressed a gentle kiss to draco's temple and a delicate, lingering kiss to his lips. "How far do you want to go?" He asked running his fingers through the silky, soft strands of blond hair. Over the past couple weeks (even before blaise passed) harry and draco had been talking about things they would like to try and one thing they had both been keen on is bondage, knife play(later on), choking and spanking. "Just my wrists tied up and some light choking today, maybe try other things next time?" Draco asked

"Of course baby, we'll take it slow." Harry said kissing his forehead "What do you want the safe word to be?"

"I don't need one."

"Yes love, its so that i know when to stop if it gets too much."

"Fine lets make it..." He look around the room and saw the red gryffindor scarf and decided on red.

"Red it is then" Harry replied smiling softly. Harry checked the bonds, testing to see if they were tight enough for draco to not move but loose enough to not cut off circulation.

Harry summoned some lube and started to prep draco but just as harry was working up to another finger ron burst into the room, panting, with hands on his knees "We need you to- oh sorry," His face turned red-er than his hair and clamped his hands over his eyes and turned around "Sorry to interrupt but we've, by we i mean remus, slipped the veritasium into dumbles drink so get decent and head down to the great hall!" Ron ran out of the room and harry and draco scrambled to get dressed as they wanted to witness it.


In the great hall, there was kingsley shacklebolt and two other aurors, a male and a woman. They were asking dumbledore questions, "What did you do when minerva asked you to move harry potter from his relatives house?" Kingsleys voice boomed

"I-I i told her it was- it was for the greater good..."

"Did you ever smuggle mr potter a love potion?" The male auror asked

"Yes i did, him and miss weasley were meant to be! Because who would ever love a freak like him!" After dumbledore said that harry fled from the great hall with draco going after him

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