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There may be smut this chapter we'll see where this goes but if there is ill be 3 *'s before

Harry P.O.V.

I had woken up from a nightmare, the now usual one I had nearly every night. It was about Draco and Abi dying. Each time they die a different way and I can't get the images out of my head. I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom, so I didn't wake Draco and Abi up while I cried.

I sat down on the ground and cried and cried. Even though I knew it was just a nightmare it felt so real! I told Remus about it and we tested out the boggart to see if that had changed, and it had obviously. While I was crying I must've forgot to cast a locking and silencing charm because when I looked up I saw Draco standing in the doorway his eyes full of concern "H-how long have you been there for?" I asked 

"Not long I can go if you want-" 

"No no, please stay!" I called and he walked over and sat down 

"Do you want to talk or..." He trailed off, I shook my head and said

"No, just hold me." I replied and he complied so we just laid there together, the coolness of the tiles seeping into our skin through our clothes. But soon enough we had both drifted off into sleep.


When I awoke I almost had a panic attack because I didn't wake up in my bed with arms around me, I woke up on the floor of a bathroom with no arms around me. I then remembered last night, that explained the bathroom but that still didn't explain where Draco was. I was confused so, naturally I went exploring for him. 

I stepped into the bedroom and found him dressing Abi in a pair of festive dress robes. He himself was dressed in a pair of grey robes. The outfit was all different shades of grey, the robe was a beige grey, the blouse under was a lighter, cool tone grey, while the pants were a darker grey. ((See pictures at the bottom for everyone's outfit)) Abi was wearing a red turtleneck underneath a black tulle dress which had silver stars on it, the look completed with black stockings and a pair of small, school shoe Dr. Martens. 

I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding. Draco turned and smiled "You need to get ready!" He said excitedly

"For?" I replied lifting an eyebrow

"Christmas with my Mother!" 

"You're already taking me?" I asked shyly

"Yeah... Is it too soon?" He asked concerned

"No no! I'm just a little surprised is all, but I'm giving you your present first!" I replied and he gave a small chuckle

"What abow my prwesnt?" Abi asked with a typical Malfoy pout. Me and Draco laughed

"Of course you can have your present!" I replied. So I went over to my bed and looked under it, pulled out a green parcel and a yellow one. He handed the green one to Draco and the yellow to Abi. 

"Wait! I need to give this to you Harry! Abi you'll get yours at grandma's house ok?" Abi nodded and Harry smiled accepting the gift. Draco and Abi opened their gifts, Abi's was a tiara with a matching diamond to the ones in the jewelry set she got for her birthday. 

"Wank wuu! It's so beawifuland will match wiw my earrwigs!" Then she ran up and hugged me I'm gonna wear it woday!" I laughed a bit and then looked at Draco who hadn't said anything and I realised he was staring at the necklace

"Do you- Do you not like it?" I asked nervously and Draco bursted out laughing

"Of course I love it! But open yours!" He replied so I opened it up and inside it was a matching necklace to the one I had gotten Draco but instead of a snake it was a lion! ((See pictures below along with outfits)) I started laughing too.

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