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Summary- time skip 3 months later

It had been 3 months and Draco and Harry were still avoiding each other. Draco wouldn't go to classes but would summon house elves to keep him fed, he would allow Abi to go out and hang with Pansy and Hermione but she would have to return. Little he know she had been spending time with Harry instead trying to talk sense into them on behalf of Pansy and Hermione. Harry would only go to class under the invisibility cloak. 

Pansy P.O.V.


I was becoming restless. I have had a crush on Hermione for years. Now we are roommates! I want to be more but I don't know if she wants to be more..."Hermioneeee!" I whined "Can we do something other than homework now?"

"Something like," She had a thoughtful look on her face "Painting our nails and makeovers?" She asked smirking

"Hmm how about something like this?" I said before kissing her "Is this ok with you?" I said against her lips

"Well obviously or I would have pulled away!"

"Excellent! Then I have 2 questions: 1, can we go further and 2, can we be Girlfriend and Girlfriend?"

"Yes and Yes!" She practically yelled before launching herself at me again and sealing her lips against mine. I cast a silencing and locking charm before putting my lips back on hers. we made out for a bit longer before she started tugging at my shirt so I pull it off along with hers and we take our skirts off and soon we're only in our underwear and bras. "Would you take this off for me?" Hermione asked shyly I chuckle a bit and comply she then took of mine and we stripped ourselves of our panties.  I started nipping and sucking her nipples and trailing my mouth down her neck, licking and sucking leaving love bites down her body she would gasp, moan and sigh with every touch. 

She soon became impatient "P-p-pansy I want m-m-moreee!" I bit back a moan she looks so beautiful like that but soon start to kiss and lick her hips but I was also wanting to give her more "Suck these." I ordered sticking my fingers in her mouth while I search for her clit and started licking I with my tongue she was moaning but they were stifled by her sucking my fingers, once my fingers were wet enough I tested one finger in her first hole, she was moaning "more" over and over I pushed another in this time going faster the third and then she was moaning like crazy. Soon she was squirting everywhere and it was hot. She timidly asked whether she could return the favour I agreed.

Hermione was stimulating me by circling my clit with her finger while licking everywhere else it felt so good. I was soon moaning for more which she gave me. I was sucking her fingers while she was rubbing and licking me. Once lubricated enough she slid them in one by one and was soon licking my clit and it was incredible and I was squirting and letting out eratic moans which people could probably hear through the silencing charms. We both collapsed and she fell asleep on my chest listening to my heart beat. I knew that tomorrow we would get Harry and Draco talking again.

Time skip: The next day

still pansy P.O.V.

We awoke the next day to Abi telling us to get up so she could get 'Daddy' and 'Arry' to talk again. "Come on Aunts! We need 'Arry and Daddy to talk again!" I sigh and wake Hermione up "We'll be out in a minute." Hermione and I get dressed for the day in dresses and white sneakers then head out to meet Abi. The next day was her birthday; a Sunday, which meant we had one day to plan how to get both Draco and Harry to come. 'Draco wouldn't miss it, even though he was stubborn, Abi is his daughter and he loves her. Harry also loves Abi and wouldn't want to miss seeing her turn 5' I think to myself So we set off to the black lake and set up a blanket and picnic and start planning...

Same day but Draco P.O.V

'I'm useless and lonely' I think to myself 'How can life become any worse you've messed up your chance with Potter, the only one who doesn't care about you having a daughter when you were 13 and who understands your hate for a relative, the dark lord and Dumblewhore' I groan and faceplant into the pillow and wish for the bed to swallow me up and escape life. 'Its Abi's birthday tomorrow and I haven't organised anything' I groan again and pray that everything that happened with Potter was just a dream...

Harry P.O.V.

I'm pacing around the Room of Requirements contemplating everything. 'I should of grabbed him before he could run off, and its Abi's birthday tomorrow and I hope that Pansy and Hermione will organise something so Draco and I could go and then he'd have to see me'

So Because im too lazy draco and harry both get invites to Abi's party but they dont know the other is gonna be there dun-dun-DAHHH so yeah next chapter is gonna be that. I only wrote this bc its the first of june so pansmione for yall

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