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Draco P.O.V.

The next morning I awoke in the most graceful way known to mankind. Being shaken by your daughter. "Papa, I want to play!" I cast the tempus charm 

"Abi it's 5:30 in the morning! You should still be asleep." 

"But dad-dy!" She whined, pouting. I roll my eyes 

"Fine, but I have to shower and get you dressed. Then I'll get you from the common room. Lets get you ready!" She picked out her outfit; A beige, plaid skirt, a white turtleneck, a black V-neck sweater and a pair of Dr. Martens. I helped her into her outfit and then helped with her hair: a rubber band hairstyle ((I dont really mind how you picture it just remember blond curly rubber band hairstyle)). By the time we had finished it was 6 o'clock so I told her to leave and then found my outfit and headed to the shower. I finished got dressed into a black turtle neck with black jeans, with my robes over top. My hair parted down the middle like this muggle film star; Leonardo Dicaprio.

I headed down to the common room to find Abi but she was talking to a certain raven haired boy who was still in his pajamas. 

Harry P.O.V.

I awoke to the sound of water running at 6:25 in the morning, trying to go back to sleep but giving up and heading to the common room. Us eighth years didn't start classes until 10 in the morning everyone else started at 9:30 and breakfast wasn't until 8:00-9:00 so I didn't know why Malfoy was already up 'Making himself look great I bet. Git.'  The common room was empty except for a small head of blond curly hair styled immaculately, reading a book to her toys in a soft, quiet voice. I couldn't see her face since she was facing her back toward me so I decided to go ask if she was lost. "Hi sweetie I'm Harry, are you lost?" I asked

"Oh," She frowned "Hi! I'm Abi and I'm just waiting for daddy to come and play wiw me so no I'm not lost. Can we ask each ower questions?" She asked her eyes big and she was sucking her thumb so it was a little hard to understand her at points

"Sure! How old are you? I'm Eighteen."

"I'm nearly 5! What is somewing  you wanna do when you're older? I want to become a poet or quiditch player!"

"Wow! You're a big girl, I would love to be a teacher here, preferably Defence against the dark arts. Are you a pure blood or half blood or both parents muggle born? I'm a half blood, my dad was a pure blood and my mum was a muggle born."

"I assume a pure blood but I never knew my ower parent... I don't know what else to ask!" She said frustrate I chuckled at that moment however I saw a fluffy head of blonde hair and became rather happy "DADDY!" Abi yelled running at him full force "Harry's really nice, and isn't he your room-mate and the savior of wee world and-"

"Ok Abi if you say so." He said smiling "Wait did you say Potter?" His smile faltered

"Yes Papa! He's standing right where!" She pointed to me

"Hi Malfoy..." I said scratching my neck "Wait... She's your child?!" I exclaimed 

"Yes, we need to talk about this, come to the dorm now. Abi go to aunt Pansy and 'Mione, but knock first!" He called after her as she had already left I had to stifle a laugh which he caught onto and gave a soft smile "Well to our dorm I guess." He said rather snapily


Draco P.O.V.


I couldn't believe he had to find out about Abi, I mean I knew this would happen but I wanted to do it of my own accord not because I'm practically forced to. I take a deep breath and start "Basically remember when we turned into a female in 2nd year went home for the summer break? Well the reason we weren't changed instantly is because Mcgonagall and Severus thought that would stop Lucius from doing... things to me. But obviously he found a way around that and got a colleague to do his dirty work. 

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