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A/n: THANKS FOR 110 READS!!!!! Also I wrote this story eating a green Apple...

Draco P.O.V.

As I walk to the dorm feeling content and peaceful I settled Abi into bed and got changed into my Pj's and hopped into bed without my dreamless sleep potion...


This turned out to be a mistake as once I fell asleep I was plauged with nightmares except they had actually happened in the past. It was a dream of Lucius beating me after I came out calling me a fag everytime he beat me. He would also whip me.


I woke up sobbing into my pillow curled into the fetal position trying to remind myself that Lucius couldn't hurt me, it was no use so I decided 'Fuck it' and went over to Harry "Harry? Harry? HARRY!" 

"What? huh I'm here!" He said clearly scared, put his glasses on and clearly relaxed "Oh just you." He breathed a sigh of relief "What's up?"

"I can't sleep..."

"Aww it's ok come here." He held his arms out for a hug and I complied maybe a bit too easily. I lied next to him "What happened?'

"I had a n-n-nightmare..."

"What about?" He asked while running his hands soothingly through my hair

"i-i-it was L-l-lucius an-nd he was beating me-" I then broke down into sobs

"Hey, shhh, hey it's going to be alright! He can't hurt you." He told me softly speaking in my ear

"I-I-I know but-"

"Shhhh I know love. Just lie down and get some rest. I'll ward away any bad dreams." He said kissing my forehead

"What by using your bare hands?" I asked smirking slightly

"Well obviously! Now get some sleep."

"Fine." I grumbled, and he chuckled but I buried myself into his chest and strangely fell into a dreamless sleep so maybe he did punch the bad dreams away...

Third person

Little did Draco know that once he fell asleep Harry was fuming and thinking of every possible way he could make Lucius Malfoy's life hell. So there Harry lay polting how to make a dementor kiss Lucius. They still needed time to get to know each other so before he fell asleep he thought of taking Draco to the ROR every afternoon between last period and dinner. Eventually Harry fell asleep with his arms wrapped protectively around Draco and hoping that one day Draco would be his.

Harry P.O.V.

When I woke up all I could see was a golden halo. I blinked and realised it wasn't a halo and that it was instead a blond head of hair. It took me a minute to remember why the blond was in my bed but as soon as I did I was filled with anger at Lucius for harming Draco and at Dumbledore for making me believe that Draco was my enemy which was hard since I had a crush but if I knew how sweet Draco is I would never have even tried to make him my enemy even if it was just something petty. I gently moved away, reached for my sketchpad and started sketching while waiting for Draco to wake up and subconciously playing with his hair.

About an hour later Draco woke up "Whatcha duing?" He slurred his voice hoarse from sleeping, yawing, his nose scrunching in this cute way and that was when I realised he had no shirt on and it made my breath hitch 

"Waiting for you to wake up." I said rolling my eyes

"Well I had a dreamless sleep! Thank you!" He said before pulling me down into a hug 

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